My htmling of these lists was definitely slowed down by snickering -- always a good sign. My favorites:
Tuvok: Bush (Kerry supporters quickly declared this an instance of Evil Tuvok)
Hoshi: Kerry (She won't vote for someone unless he knows at least one language)
Mayweather: Bush (He often feels misunderestimated too)
Spock: Kerry. "I'm sorry, there's just no way to reconcile 'Bush' and 'Logic'."
DISCLAIMER: You'd think Kirk would vote for the guy with the hot twin daughters.
Worf: Bush ("Do I look like a bleeding-heart liberal?")
Dukat: Dukat (write-in)
Beka: Kerry (She wants better health care so Harper will shut up about the Magog eggs already. What a baby.)
Scorpius: Kerry ("Your infantile obsession with Iraq is misplaced, George!")
Adimha Sycorax: Like she's going to vote for a man!
T'Pel: Hmm... I think these require a personality to work
Ankin Rotor: Bush (Kerry's not even trying to destroy the universe)
Good work, all.