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Old 10-13-2018, 04:14 PM
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Originally Posted by Nate the Great View Post
October 4th, 1968, "The Paradise Syndrome"


* Why is the Enterprise saving a prewarp society? That seems like anti-Prime Directive behavior, especially given events from "Pen Pals" and "Homeward."
This is very strange coming from a fellow SFDebris watcher As SFDebris points out, for the record, the concept of the Prime Directive changed drastically between TOS and the later series, from "You'd better have a really good reason to do anything to affect a primitive civilization even a tiny bit" to "No no no, not even to save a billion squillion lives!"
SPOCK: Doctor, that asteroid is almost as large as your Earth's moon.

The largest asteroid on record is Ceres, which is nowhere near the size of Luna. The asteroid that killed the dinosaurs was less than 10 miles across. Yet another example of the writers not doing their research and throwing impossible numbers around to impress the ignorant viewer.
What's wrong with having a larger asteroid roaming around? It's a big galaxy, crazier things have happened. If we can have a planet-eating amoeba, we can have an asteroid that probably started life as a planetoid or gas giant's moon before crazy gravitational games knocked it into a different orbit.

Originally Posted by Nate the Great View Post
October 11th, 1968, "And the Children Shall Lead"

Oh, this is gonna hurt...

Fiver (by Derek)
You've jumped ahead an episode on the link there. Here's the right link, by IJD GAF. And it's pretty good.
* There's debate on what sort of flavor "chocolate wobble" is. Putting aside the obvious options like "it's an alien flavor" or "the child actor flubbed the line", other opinions go from "secondary alcohol flavor" (you wobble when drunk) to the ice cream incorporates some wobbly gelatin (ugh) to there's a wobbly swirl of another flavor.
Yeah, I figured there was some physical wobble (maybe not Jell-O though) supposed to be going on.

Agreed that the two men being beamed into space was horrifying enough to be given more time.
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