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Five-Minute Farscape

October 15, 2002

Structurally, 5MV's been very stable for the last eight months. There haven't been any new subsites or other sections, and the staff hasn't changed. (Kira wasn't technically on staff back then, but she was definitely heading that way.) So it's hard to decide what to do about site growth. On the one hand, I don't want to mess with a good thing; on the other, I don't want the site to stagnate.

Solution: mess with a good thing, but do it really half-@$$edly. <g>

Seriously, today I've added a tenth subsite to 5MV, but it's essentially "dependent" the way 5MD or Sci-Fivers is, as opposed to 5MNG and 5MST. There's no new section head; fivers will be added not regularly but as they're written and/or received. There are four new fivers, which is a decent load, but not the kind of "portfolio" I released with the launches of Marc's and IJD's subsites. In a sense, this is more or less an administrative change.

So why the fuss? Simple: after four years of marvelous television, the Sci-Fi Channel has cancelled its flagship series, Farscape. There's a Bjo Trimble-style fan campaign in progress to save the show. I want to help, but I don't have money to donate and I'm nowhere near the field of action. However, it just so happens I had some Scape fivers waiting (and waiting and waiting and waiting) to be published.

It's not the world's biggest gesture, but it's something. Five-Minute Farscape is now open for business. In addition to 4GOM's longstanding fiver of the premiere, you'll find three new ones by Merlin Missy, a fairly big name in the fanfic business. There's also a "new" one by me -- "That Old Black Magic" -- with "new" in quote marks because the fiver is actually a year and a half old. In what has to be my most extreme case of lag time, I didn't type it up until now.

I hope you enjoy. And if you do, I hope you also click the "Save Farscape" link at the top of the page. The series is going before its time.

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