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Old 04-22-2023, 03:28 AM
Nate the Great's Avatar
Nate the Great Nate the Great is offline
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BA'EL: This Kahless, did he ever take a mate?
WORF: That is another story.
BA'EL: Tell me.

Yes he did. Her name was Kellien. She gave him her jiNaq to hold onto until they could be married. She died before they could be, so he wore the necklace for the rest of his life and never married.

WORF: Klingons and Romulans are blood enemies. Have been for centuries.
BA'EL: Not here. Here, we live in peace.

Except for that brief period in the TOS days when they were allies. And then Kor screwed it up and Kera's (the Romulan Commander played by Mark Leonard, just reverse the letters) daughter-in-law put an end to that. I highly recommend all of John Byrne's Trek comics.

WORF: The qa'vak is not a game. It hones the skills of the hunt.

Another piece of Klingon lore that should've been reused.

TOQ: The hunt? We have replicators here.

Ugh. As has been covered by numerous other episodes, replicated stuff doesn't quite taste like the real thing if you know the difference. Furthermore we know that Klingons avoide replicators if possible. Their bloodwine is real, their gagh is real, I'll bet the targ is real too.

TOQ: Tonight, as we came home, we sang a song of victory. A song known only to me as a lullaby. But it is a warrior's song. Bagh Da tuHmoh. Fire streaks the heavens. ChojaH Duh rHo. Battle has begun. Bagh Da tuHmoh. ChojaH Duh rHo. ylja'Qo' ylja'Qo' ylja'Qo.
(others join in and I cannot be bothered to try and transcribe it all.)

Why bother? As I already said, the lyrics are gibberish.

BA'EL: (to the guard) Thank you. I will remove the tracking device. Then you can go over the wall and hide in the jungle.

And then what? He has no way off the planet. Eventually Worf would have no choice but to try killing the Romulans one by one until they kill him.

BA'EL: They will kill you.
WORF: Yes. But they will not defeat me.

"I cannot defeat this Klingon. All I can do is kill him, and that no longer holds my interest."

BA'EL: If there is anything that I've learned from you, from your reaction to me, it's that I have no place out there. Other Klingons will not accept me for what I am.

So stay on the Enterprise! For that matter, do the Romulans know that he's a Starfleet officer?

PICARD: You found what you were looking for, Mister Worf?
WORF: No, sir. There was no prison camp. Those young people are survivors of a vessel that crashed in the Carraya system four years ago. No one survived Khitomer.
PICARD: I understand.

Sometime between now and "Rightful Heir" Worf will tell Picard about this. II wonder what the point is in being cryptic here.

The Fiver

Tokath: Worf, remember E'b'nee --
Worf: -- and I-Vo'Ree. Live together?
Tokath: In perfect harmony, side by side on the piano keyboard.
Worf: Oh, Lord, why -- stop reciting these lyrics!
Tokath: It's a small wonder you didn't catch on earlier.

Well, that pun is just painful.

Ba'el: Brushing up on your Tai Chi?
Worf: This is the Mok'bara, which forms the basis for Klingon combat.
Ba'el: I have a better suggestion -- bite me.
Worf: Uhh....
Ba'el: I mean my cheek.
Gi'ral: Keep your filthy hands off my daughter, you!

"For your sake I hope you are initiating a Klingon mating ritual."

Ba'el: Is that a d'k tahg in your pocket, or are you just happy to see me?

This joke is overused.

Tokath: Worf must be executed, since we can't imagine....
Worf: All the people -- don't agree.
Toq: Kill him, but kill me first.
Ba'el: No, me. I'm sick of hearing all these song lyrics.

My Google Fu failed me this time. Explanation?

Data: This message comes with a Klingon emoticon.
Picard: Come again?
Data: Three beginning angles, one ending angle, a colon, and a start parenthesis.

Beginning angle? Could someone translate this one?

Nitpicker's Guide

* Phil wonders why the Data and Worf plots couldn't have been split into two separate episodes. Personally I think the Worf story deserved two full episodes (intercut with the rest of the crew looking for him and dealing with a parallel Romulan plot).
* Phil questions how the cover story for the survivors will work out since these kids know almost nothing about current Klingon culture or current events.
* Wasn't a Klingon captured by the Romulans and returned without incident back in "A Matter of Honor"?
mudshark: Nate's just being...Nate.
Zeke: It comes nateurally to him.

mudshark: I don't expect Nate to make sense, really -- it's just a bad idea.

Sa'ar Chasm on the forum: Sit back, relax, and revel in the insanity.

Adam Savage: I reject your reality and substitute my own!

Hanlon's Razor: Never attribute to malice that which can be adequately explained by stupidity.

Crow T. Robot: Oh, stop pretending there's a plot. Don't cheapen yourself further.
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Old 04-23-2023, 10:32 PM
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Nate the Great Nate the Great is offline
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March 29th, 1993, "Starship Mine"

Ah yes, "Die Hard in Space".

No Fiver

The Episode

Captain's log, stardate 46682.4. The Enterprise is docked at the Remmler Array, where it will undergo a routine procedure to eliminate accumulated baryon particles. In preparation for the sweep, we are evacuating the ship.

I hate it when the creators take a real scientific term and reappropriate it for something else. Baryon is a real word, it means a subatomic particle with an odd number of quarks. Or put more simply, PROTONS and NEUTRONS are baryons, remove them from a starship and there's nothing left!

TROI: Captain. We're still behind schedule on decks seven and eight. Shall I tell Arkaria Base there'll be a delay?
PICARD: No. Open up the transporters in Cargo bay two and divert everyone from deck seven to there.

I wonder how long it takes to change the settings on a cargo transporter to dial up the precision to lifeform levels. And frankly all of the cargo transporters should already be in use to evacuate the ship.

CRUSHER: Captain. Arkaria Base does not have the medical storage units I have requested. I have seven living tissue samples that won't survive the baryon sweep anymore than you or I would.

You'd think Crusher would've dealt with this way before now.

PICARD: Mister Data, are you all right?
DATA: Yes, sir. I am attempting to fill a silent moment with non-relevant conversation.
PICARD: Small talk.
DATA: Yes, sir. I have found that humans often use small talk during awkward moments. Therefore, I have written a new subroutine for that purpose. How did I do?
PICARD: Perhaps it was a little too non-relevant. But if you really are interested in small talk, then you should keep your eye on Commander Hutchinson at the reception this afternoon. He's a master.

In retrospect mastering small talk seems like a necessary stepping stone to the humor that he's already tackled.

LAFORGE: Yes, sir. We've logged in five years more warp hours than most ships do in ten, so our baryon particle levels are high.

Look, I'm all for warp drive creating impurities on a ship that have to be cleaned out every so often, but you can't call them baryons!

I wonder if Voyager's redesigned warp engines negated the necessity of baryon sweeps.

PICARD: Very well. Computer, disable all command functions in thirty minutes.

And command functions have to be disabled-why?

WORF: Captain. Request permission to be excused from Commander Hutchinson's reception.
PICARD: Permission granted. I wish I could excuse myself as well.
LAFORGE: Captain, permission to be
PICARD: Mister La Forge, I cannot excuse my entire senior staff. Mister Worf beat you to it.

Ha ha. And then Worf gives the most amused and yet smug smirk.

NEIL: Where's the ODN interface?

You know, if you're going to steal from the flagship, I expect you to have every step of this theft rehearsed on the holodeck before you show up!

DATA: It is very good to see you both again. Beverly. May I call you Beverly? Beverly, have you noticed that the mean temperature here on Arkaria is slightly higher normal for human comfort levels? I have found that humans prefer a body temperature of twenty one degrees Celsius in order to operate most efficiently. However, there are several cultures who actually prefer that their body temperature is identical to the temperature of the room in which they are standing. The Sheliak, for example...

Body temperature is 37 Celsius. 21 Celsius is room temperature (about 70 Farenheit). Or rather a bit hotter than room temperature, which we usually take as 20 C or 68 F. I won't get into thermostat wars, that's a beartrap I don't care to step into.

PICARD: Then I have enough time to back to the ship and get my saddle.
TROI: Your saddle?
PICARD: Yes. A saddle is a very personal thing. It has to be broken in, used, cared for.
LAFORGE: You keep a saddle on board the Enterprise?
PICARD: Oh yes, yes. I never know when I'll have the opportunity to ride.
TROI: I see.
PICARD: It's perfectly normal. Most serious riders do have their own saddles.

After "Pen Pals" I'm surprised that Troi isn't aware of Picard's interest in horses.

DEVOR: What are you doing?
(everyone, say hi! to Tim Russ, not yet a Vulcan)

May I recommend the 1993 "Journey to the Center of the Earth" TV movie if you want to see a pre-Tuvok Russ?

(Devor makes to attack Picard with the laser, so he throws the saddle at him. They wrestle then Picard neck-pinches him unconscious)

Phil Farrand suspects that it was Picard's mindmeld with Sarek that allowed him to neck-pinch. I'm doubtful. I can't help but feel that like every other time Vulcans make skin contact, there is a telepathic component involved. Especially when you consider all the times Spock neck pinched people from species that he'd never met before. So I have no clue how Picard did that. How Data can do it requires another theory.

RIKER: Geordi, what happened to the Captain?
LAFORGE: Oh, he went back to the ship to get his saddle.
RIKER: His saddle?
LAFORGE: Any serious rider would have his own saddle.

Round Two for the Rule of Three. Had they tried to quadruple-dip this gag it would've backfired.

DEVOR: The baryon sweep uses a high-frequency plasma field. Your phaser won't work.
PICARD: You're probably right. But I'd like to bet this will. A laser welder can be deadly.

I have no problem with laser welders being simpler mechanically and thus still being functional, it's phasers not being able to handle a plasma field that bugs me. Come to think it of it, wouldn't a secondary beam for a phaser be a good idea? Only a single lethal setting, but using the minimal number of parts to ensure functionality in unusual situations like this?

DEVOR: You're Starfleet. You won't kill me.
PICARD: You sure?
(Picard hypos him instead)
PICARD: Seems you're right.

I'll skip the screed about Starfleet ethics regarding lethal force, but I can tell you it would've been a BIG one.

(Picard is caught trying to climb up. It's Patricia Tallman in alien makeup as Kiros)

Patricia Tallman was a regular on Babylon 5, but as SF Debris said once, her Trek work was as a stuntwoman. So I wouldn't get attached to her.

HUTCH: That's fascinating. Not too many people know this, but Tyrellia is one of only three known inhabited worlds without a magnetic pole.
DATA: I was aware of that. But are you aware that Tyrellia is one of seven known planets with no atmosphere whatsoever.

No magnetic pole? If there's a molten metal core there HAS to be a magnetic field around the planet. Furthermore, I have to think that a magnetic field is necessary for proper weather patterns to maintain Class M conditions.

No atmosphere whatsoever? Not so rare, but if we're talking about inhabited worlds it narrows things down significantly. I can't imagine the inhabitants are anywhere near humanoid, they'd have to be closer to the Companion or a Horta.

TROI: They're still at it.
RIKER: Non-stop. I have to admit it has a certain strange fascination. How long can two people talk about nothing?

Eight years if Seinfeld is to be believed.

NEIL: Okay. That should do it. I think.
KELSEY: (did I mention she's a redhead?) Be sure, Neil.

Hey Chakoteya, what does her being a redhead have to do with ANYTHING? Are you sharing a fetish, tapping into a cliche, or what?
mudshark: Nate's just being...Nate.
Zeke: It comes nateurally to him.

mudshark: I don't expect Nate to make sense, really -- it's just a bad idea.

Sa'ar Chasm on the forum: Sit back, relax, and revel in the insanity.

Adam Savage: I reject your reality and substitute my own!

Hanlon's Razor: Never attribute to malice that which can be adequately explained by stupidity.

Crow T. Robot: Oh, stop pretending there's a plot. Don't cheapen yourself further.
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Old 04-23-2023, 10:34 PM
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Nate the Great Nate the Great is offline
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KELSEY: Who are you?
PICARD: My name is Mot. I'm the barber.

Mot actually only made two on-screen appearances (three if you count cut scenes), which surprised me. There were a few other Bolian barbers seen in other episodes, it's unknown if any of them were supposed to be Mot.

TROI: They haven't tried to communicate with the outside.
RIKER: No demands, no political statements, no theft. They must want something.

I can't imagine anything here is worthy of theft (except Data, of course). I can't imagine how this would be a good chance to make a political statement. So blackmail or ransom would be the obvious reason.

CRUSHER: I've adjusted the optical transducer in his visor to block some of the pain receptors in his brain.

For once the Treknobabble makes sense. A transducer is something that converts energy from one form into another. All sound devices, antennas, and sensors contain them.

How Crusher did this without tools is a surprise. I can't imagine that the VISOR has styluses stored inside to manipulate the circuitry.

PICARD: I would rather destroy the ship than allow that material to fall into the hands of terrorists.
KELSEY: What makes you think I'm a terrorist?
PICARD: Trilithium resin is a highly toxic waste product produced by our engines.
PICARD [OC]: It's only possible use could be as a weapon.

That's sure the only use that Sisko found for it.

KIROS [OC]: I have Mott.
KELSEY: Is he alive?
KIROS [OC]: Yes.

I think you mean, "Who's Mott? We're looking for Mot!" Sorry, but after his earlier quips I had to take a potshot at Chakoteya.

KELSEY: I'm not a terrorist Captain, nor do I have a political agenda, although I know some people who do have agendas. And they are very interested in this little container.
PICARD: Profit. This is all about profit.
KELSEY: I prefer to think of it as commerce.

The whole "I prefer to call it something not quite as offensive" thing is a cliche that needs to be eliminated from the writer's handbook. There's only so many ways to do it well, and that usually requires a pun or other double-meaning. You can't play it straight anymore and extract any entertainment from it.

WORF: Captain, you keep a saddle on board?
RIKER: Mister Worf, I'm surprised at you.
CRUSHER: Anyone who is an experienced rider naturally has his own saddle.
TROI: It's perfectly normal.

Actually, of anyone on board I would expect Worf to understand the importance of a saddle. Klingons would have their own equivalent to a horse that is still used in battles, wouldn't they?

Memory Alpha

* It's pointed out that Archer and McCoy also failed to learn the nerve pinch post mind-meld.
* The difference between the trilithium of Generations and the trilithium resin of this episode is discussed.

Nitpicker's Guide

* Why doesn't Picard head for a shuttlebay or the Captain's Yacht? In the Yacht's (AKA the Callipso's) case I would have to imagine that the launch sequence requires a lot more assistance from outside to undock the ship.
* Phil is confused about the humor from Worf's final "of course", his only theory is that it's a Mr. Ed joke. It's just Worf being deadpan and going along with his captain, you don't need to overthink it, Phil!
* The Tarellians are mentioned, a race that was last seen in "Haven" and consisting of a small group of Typhoid Marys that Wyatt was trying to help. I'll have to assume that they're not the same race.
* Someone messed up the digits in the stardate, because otherwise somehow Worf escaped the Romulan prison camp for one mission before being sent back.
* One of the weapons the thieves used is a Varon T disruptor, last seen in "The Most Toys" as something that only one of exists outside of Fajo's collection. It's a surprise that a common thief would be using such a weapon for a simple theft.
mudshark: Nate's just being...Nate.
Zeke: It comes nateurally to him.

mudshark: I don't expect Nate to make sense, really -- it's just a bad idea.

Sa'ar Chasm on the forum: Sit back, relax, and revel in the insanity.

Adam Savage: I reject your reality and substitute my own!

Hanlon's Razor: Never attribute to malice that which can be adequately explained by stupidity.

Crow T. Robot: Oh, stop pretending there's a plot. Don't cheapen yourself further.
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Old 05-03-2023, 07:43 PM
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Originally Posted by Nate the Great View Post
Ba'el: Is that a d'k tahg in your pocket, or are you just happy to see me?

This joke is overused.

Tokath: Worf must be executed, since we can't imagine....
Worf: All the people -- don't agree.
Toq: Kill him, but kill me first.
Ba'el: No, me. I'm sick of hearing all these song lyrics.

My Google Fu failed me this time. Explanation?
You've never Imagined all the people living lives in pe-e-e-eeace?

Data: This message comes with a Klingon emoticon.
Picard: Come again?
Data: Three beginning angles, one ending angle, a colon, and a start parenthesis.

Beginning angle? Could someone translate this one?
Pointy brackets, I presume. <<<>
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“There must have been a point in early human history when it was actually advantageous to, when confronted with a difficult task, drop it altogether and go do something more fun, because I do that way too often for it to be anything but instinct.” -- Isto Combs
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Old 05-08-2023, 01:53 AM
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Nate the Great Nate the Great is offline
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April 3rd, 1993, "Lessons"

I have a big problem with the entire premise of this episode. Picard should know better. Furthermore, this isn't like Troi and Riker, you can't dangle the Picard/Crusher carrot for this long and still act like they can date other people. Vash was an unusual situation, Jenice Manheim was an unusual situation.

"But, Nate!" I hear you cry. "They still had to work out their guilt and discomfort from Jack's death!" Sorry, no dice. It was made perfectly clear that all of the guilt was on Picard's side. Even at Farpoint Crusher considered him a friend. Had they not bee in the same chain of command she probably would've accepted a date offer five years ago!

DATA: I'm sorry, sir, but Stellar Cartography has requested a communications blackout while they run an experiment.

This needed to be explained better. All that we needed was a sentence about how why this is necessary, perhaps they're pushing the sensor range and want as little interference as possible.

PICARD: Computer, display the latest excavation schematics on Landris Two.
COMPUTER: Library computer is temporarily offline.
PICARD: Explain.
COMPUTER: Library systems have been allocated to Stellar Cartography.

What? There are THREE computer cores for a reason! If you're telling me that pushing the long-range sensors requires all three cores I'm going to laugh you out of the room!

And frankly, the bridge should have a dedicated mini-core for the exclusive use of the senior staff.

PICARD: Tea, Earl Grey. Hot.
COMPUTER: Replicator systems are offline at the request of
PICARD + COMPUTER: Stellar Cartography.

Now this is just being mean. The processor power occupied by the replicators is a drop in the bucket. Furthermore, turning of the Captain's replicator without the Captain's permission sounds like a court-martial offense to me!

NELLA: In or out, just close that door. And don't move. It'll take a second for our eyes to re-adjust.

You do know that aren't any actual optical telescopes on the Enterprise, right? You're turning off the lights for no reason!

NELLA: Forget it. Lights. Whoever you are, you just ruined four hours of work.
PICARD: You might have taken the simple precaution of locking the door.
NELLA: It's three o'clock in the morning. Captain Picard.

And? The Romulans aren't going to wait for "daytime" on the Enterprise to attack! People will be walking back and forth 24/7.

For that matter, how did Picard ruin four hours of work? Don't even think of telling me that they're using camera film that's easy to overexpose!

NELLA: Earl Grey? No wonder you can't sleep. Computer, bring replicators back online and give me a cup of Daren herbal tea blend number three, hot. You shouldn't be drinking a stimulant at this time of night. I think you'll like this.

I'm really getting annoyed by the implication that you have to specify hot tea. Only blends of tea that can plausibly be served hot or cold should need the clarification.

(Picard tries it and pulls a face, but anyone who can drink hot Bergamot shouldn't criticise other blends)

This is no time for editorializing, Chakoteya!

NELLA: I'm sorry if the system blackouts we requested inconvenienced you. We're taking very precise gravimetric readings. It wouldn't have taken much to throw them off.

Yeah, I don't buy it. The whole point of gravity is that it's not thrown off so easily.

(Picard is listening to the 3rd Brandenburg with an unfamiliar instrument in it, when the doorbell chimes)

Written by Bach, the Brandenburg Concerto No. 3 sounds rather middle-of-the-road in terms of classical music. I hesitate to say "boring", but certainly "unadventurous."

NELLA: What kind of flute is that?
PICARD: It's Ressikan.
NELLA: I've never saw one before.
PICARD: They're not made anymore.

Oh come on, there have to be Ferengi knockoffs by now. Incidentally, considering that this thing is one of a kind, shouldn't it be in a museum by now?

PICARD: There isn't a piano.
NELLA: Ah, but there is.
(she unrolls a keyboard on the coffee table)

You shouldn't be surprised to learn that the "rolled" version of the piano is a different prop from the "flat" version. I don't doubt that such an instrument would be useful aboard ship. Would anyone really pay to ship a full-sized grand piano to their quarters?

(she plays Frere Jacque and they do the roundel)

A roundel is a poem that cycles.

NELLA: Tell me, have you known him long?
CRUSHER: Yes, a very long time.

She's known Picard since at least 2348 when she married Jack. I'd say that twenty years counts as "a very long time".

NELLA: He seems somewhat isolated.
CRUSHER: I'd say he's a very private person, but not isolated.

Just because he's isolated from the Enterprise crew doesn't mean that he doesn't have friends. We've seen that he knows most of the archeologists in the Federation and has any number of exgirlfriends running around out there.

NELLA: Do you know where we are?
PICARD: Yes, this is the fourth intersect in Jefferies tube twenty five.

Please tell me he snuck a glance at a panel to say this. If you're going to tell me that people in the future can memorize every Jefferies Tube junction on the ship I'm going to call you crazy.

NELLA: No, this is the most acoustically perfect spot on the ship.
(she starts up the Moonlight Sonata on her keyboard)

The Moonlight Sonata was written by Beethoven in 1801.

(he plays what seems like a variation of the Skye Boat song)

I've covered the similarities between the Skye Boat song and "The Inner Light" before, but it seems odd that Chakoteya wouldn't just say "The Inner Light." Aside from one stanza the two songs aren't really that similar anyway.

(Geordi can hear the music, and goes into the main Jefferies tube access to investigate)
DATA: Is there a problem, Geordi?
LAFORGE: I hear music.
DATA: Music? I do not hear anything.
LAFORGE: Are you sure? I know I heard something. Oh, it's stopped.
(because the musicians are kissing)

Why can't Data hear the music?

NELLA: I'd heard about Kerelian tenors all my life, but nothing could've prepared me for this man's voice.

Only mention of Kerelians. Insert another request for a TOS reference. This time I would expect the Platonians or similar.

PICARD: Sit down, Counsellor. I want to talk to you about a matter of protocol. I know there are no Starfleet regulations about a Captain becoming involved with a fellow officer, but--

There isn't? That's another screed that could be written!

TROI: That's true. But cutting yourself off from your feelings can carry consequences that are just as serious.
PICARD: You seem I've always believed that becoming involved with someone under my command would compromise my objectivity. And yet...

And yet...what? The tradition exists for a reason and you're going to prove why! That's one place where this episode falls short, it doesn't really do a good job showing all sides of an issue.

TROI: Captain, are you asking my permission?
PICARD: If I were, would you give it?
TROI: Yes.

If anything I would want Beverly's permission! This is one place where the "ship's counselor as member of senior staff" thing falls apart. Kirk asked Spock and McCoy for advice as friends, and it really seems like Picard isn't doing the same thing with Troi here.

RIKER: It's about Lieutenant Commander Daren. As a department head, she comes to me for systems allocation, personnel transfers, things like that. I'm beginning to feel uncomfortable with her requests.
PICARD: Because of her relationship with me?
RIKER: Yes, sir.
PICARD: Are her requests unusual?
PICARD: Would you say that she's just trying to do her job?
RIKER: Yes, sir.
PICARD: Then let her do it, and feel free to do yours.

Like SF Debris said, Riker is acting wimpy here. If Nella HAD made an unreasonable request (i.e. playing the Picard card), that would be one thing. But here Riker is acting quite wimpy, totally unlike the guy who stared down a Borg cube and saved the Alpha Quadrant.

NELLA: What about that special dessert you promised me?
PICARD: Right. Now this is something that I first tasted on Thelka Four--

Yet another solo reference. I'm a little shocked that one of the novels hasn't covered Picard's visit to Thelka IV.

(a different one, with Guy Vardeman at the transporter controls)

Guy Vardaman was a bit player in TNG, often as a shooting double for Spiner. After TNG ended he worked on for a few years and also a Trek magazine. I wonder if Chakoteya is a fan.

Memory Alpha

* The prop guys messed up the key layout for the portable piano, the expert they brought in almost had a fit about it.

Nitpicker's Guide

* Where did Daren get the phasers that she used on the storm? She wasn't carrying one when she beamed down.
* Why couldn't Nella be a civilian scientist like Keiko?
mudshark: Nate's just being...Nate.
Zeke: It comes nateurally to him.

mudshark: I don't expect Nate to make sense, really -- it's just a bad idea.

Sa'ar Chasm on the forum: Sit back, relax, and revel in the insanity.

Adam Savage: I reject your reality and substitute my own!

Hanlon's Razor: Never attribute to malice that which can be adequately explained by stupidity.

Crow T. Robot: Oh, stop pretending there's a plot. Don't cheapen yourself further.
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Old 07-09-2023, 11:54 PM
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Nate the Great Nate the Great is offline
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Posts: 4,888

April 26th, 1993, "The Chase"

Ah yes, the episode that should've either been expanded into two episodes or ditched the assembled aliens.

No fiver

The Episode

Captain's log, Stardate 46731.5. We are in the midst of the Volterra nebula, a stellar nursery. Our three week mission is a routine analysis of several dozen protostars in various stages of development.

Grrr. I get that the Enterprise is a great all-purpose mobile laboratory, but the flagship should never be doing three-week missions floating around a nebula. This is prime science vessel territory.

DATA: Captain, I have completed the spectral evaluation of the outer shell. Our survey of this protostar is complete.
PICARD: Ensign, lay in a course to the next one, three quarters impulse.

I'm going to be generous and say that they need to clear the protostar's gravity well before they can engage warp. Even so, I do question why three-quarters impulse would be safer than full impulse in this case.

PICARD: Green polychrome over the eyes, and the eyes themselves are closed. This is third Dynasty. From the workshop of the Master of Tarquin Hill.
GALEN: Well done.

Memory Beta says that the Master of Tarquin Hill was a Trill and that Kurl was a Trill colony world. Well, that's weird. Sorry, but I don't buy the Trill being a warp-capable race for over a thousand years.

GALEN: Go ahead.
PICARD: You mean it's complete?
(Picard raises the top half of the pot to reveal a cluster of little pots inside it)

I still remember Picard's facial expression when he reveals the inner statues.

PICARD: Will, the Kurlan civilisation believed that an individual was a community of individuals. Inside us are many voices, each with its own desires, its own style, its own view of the world.

I like to think that this isn't supposed to refer to multiple personality disorder, just that our personalities get compartmentalized into various roles. We all have our "work self", "school self", "family self", etc. Some people have more trouble than others switching between these mindsets.

Captain's log, supplemental. It's been over thirty years since I last saw my archaeology professor.

Picard graduated in 2327. It's now 2369. Assuming that he was Galen's student at the Academy, that's more like forty years. Oops. Unless you're going to try to convince me that he went back for more classes at a later date.

GALEN: Are you familiar with micropaleontology?
PICARD: Yes, it's the study of fossil records at the microscopic level.

Once you get microscopic, I'm not sure you can call it "paleontology" anymore. A different branch of historical biology, perhaps.

PICARD: I'm deeply honoured that you'd think of me, but I have responsibilities.
GALEN: To History. What if you could have helped Schliemann discover the City of Troy, or been with M'Tell as she first stepped on Ya'Seem.

Heinrich Schliemann was a German businessman in the nineteenth century. As an archaeologist he was an amateur, focusing on ancient Mediterranean civilizations in particular and the Greek sites mentioned by Homer in particular. Prior to his work people were looking in the wrong spot for the ancient city of Troy. He found another incorrect Troy before finding the real one.

I actually remember Schliemann for something other than Troy. Louisa May Alcott mentions him in the concluding paragraphs of her Little Women book series:

It is a strong temptation to the weary historian to close the present tale with an earthquake which should engulf Plumfield and its environs so deeply in the bowels of the earth that no youthful Schliemann could ever find a vestige of it.

PICARD: I couldn't leave the Enterprise. But the offer raised in me certain feelings of regret.
CRUSHER: That you could have been an archaeologist and not a starship Captain?
PICARD: No, not really. I'm not sorry for the path I chose.

As SF Debris says, it's good that they didn't go down this cliched path. The Road Not Taken is a screenwriting crutch that is rarely used well.

Although it does make you wonder why the Atlantis Project was so tempting to him, that's not his area of science.

GALEN: You're like some Roman centurion out patrolling the provinces, maintenancing a dull and bloated Empire.

I'm not sure how well this metaphor works. There's a screed to be had here, but I won't be writing one.

WORF: A Yridian destroyer.

A Yridian destroyer? Those weak information merchants who would collapse in a stiff breeze? THEY built a warship?

TROI: I meant, how's it going with you?
PICARD: If I had gone with him.

You would've died, too. Maybe you're a better pilot and gunner than Galen was, but at best you would've bought a bit more time. Not enough to save Galen.

PICARD: Counsellor, this is not simply a case of me taking the Enterprise and its crew on some wild goose chase to purge myself of guilt and remorse. I will not let Galen's death to be in vain. Now, if that means inconveniencing a few squabbling delegates for a few days, then so be it. I will take the full responsibility.

Y'know for someone with Picard's skill as a mediator, this is a little cold-blooded.

PICARD: There's only one planet in the Kurlan system capable of supporting life. Loren Three.

You do realize that planets capable of supporting life NOW aren't necessarily able to support life billions of years ago, and vice-versa, right?

OCETT [on viewscreen]: My name is Gul Ocett. Identify yourselves and state your business in this star system.
(tara ra boom di ay - it's Linda Thorsen under the latex)

Chakoteya must be a fan of The Avengers, she was Steed's companion afterD Diana Rigg (Emma Peel) left.

RIKER: We used the inertial dampers to simulate complete shield failure.

I have no idea how this is supposed to work given my expertiese in Treknology.

PICARD: The programme has been activated. I think it's reconfiguring the tricorder.
NU'DAQ: We die together, Brother. Tash Koh Tah.
PICARD: It's modifying the emitter diode to project something.

Yeah, this is complete nonsense.

(the tricorder projects a hologram. It's Salome Jens in a blank latex head, the first but not the last she will wear on Trek)

It's sad how many people think that the Progenitors HAVE to be related to the Founders due to the recycled actress.

ROMULAN [on monitor]: Captain, my ships are leaving orbit for Romulan space. Until our next encounter.
PICARD: Until then.
ROMULAN [on monitor]: It would seem that we are not completely dissimilar after all, in our hopes, or in our fears.
ROMULAN [on monitor]: Well, then. Perhaps, one day.
PICARD: One day.

As stated on the Heartwarming page over at TV Tropes, this bit can tie back to "The Defector" and even "Balance of Terror". "In another reality, I could have called you friend."

Memory Alpha

* Ronald Moore considered making it explicit that the Progenitors were the Preservers, but decided to not make it direct. It was made clear in the novel Federation and the Shatnerverse, neither of which will remotely fit into even the regular novelverse canon. Star Trek Online finally made it explicit, for whatever definition of "canon" you want to apply to STO.
* Ocett is the only female Gul ever seen in canon.
* This is the first time Klingons, Romulans, and Cardassians were in the same episode.
* Picard discarding the naiskos in Generations was mentioned. I must admit that it seems odd that something as fragile as the naiskos was kept on the ship. At least the Mintakan tapestry he kept on his chair was more durable than a clay statue.

Nitpicker's Guide

* In "Lessons" the stars outside Picard's quarters moved towards the ship (i.e. his quarters are near the bow). In this episode the stars move across the window (i.e. his quarters are on the starboard side). Phil suspects that after the Nella Darren fiasco Picard had to change quarters.
* Wouldn't the Federation have laws against plundering ruins? The naiskos really do belong in a museum after all. Of course, this observation made me imagine Picard in Indiana Jones clothese, hehe.
* The odds against all of the races occupying the area seeded by the Projenitors having the same technology level is incredible.
* Salome Jens' projection has a shadow! This isn't likely to be a solid hologram, after all.
mudshark: Nate's just being...Nate.
Zeke: It comes nateurally to him.

mudshark: I don't expect Nate to make sense, really -- it's just a bad idea.

Sa'ar Chasm on the forum: Sit back, relax, and revel in the insanity.

Adam Savage: I reject your reality and substitute my own!

Hanlon's Razor: Never attribute to malice that which can be adequately explained by stupidity.

Crow T. Robot: Oh, stop pretending there's a plot. Don't cheapen yourself further.
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Old 08-05-2023, 02:23 AM
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May 3rd, 1993, "Frame of Mind"

Oh, this is going to hurt. Like I've said many times, I don't like plots where people are thought to be crazy.

Fiver by Scott Z

The Episode

CRUSHER: No. Why don't we take a break for tonight? I think we've made a lot of progress.
RIKER: I'm still not comfortable with that final speech.
CRUSHER: There's such a thing as over-rehearsing, Will. You're going to be fine.

Oh boy, can I concur. When you study for too long the law of diminishing returns DEFINITELY kicks in and you're just wasting time.

RIKER: Maybe I'm just not right for this part.
DATA: Most humanoids have the potential to be irrational. Perhaps you should attempt to access that part of your psyche.

It's too late in the series for Data to be this literal. There are people who can put on the coat of irrationality and take it off later without problem and there are others who can't.

I'm reminded of an interview that Gene Roddenberry had with DeForest Kelley. De talks about how his persona blends with every role he plays. If he played Jack the Ripper he'd be influenced by that persona while playing the part, but he could still drop the influence when the role is over.

RIKER: Tilonus Four? Didn't their government just collapse?
PICARD: It's in a state of total anarchy. When the Prime Minister was assassinated, a Federation research team was on the planet. It's believed that they were forced into hiding. Your mission will be to locate and to evacuate them.

Ugh. As I've said before it's crazy every time they imply that Starfleet Security can't secure ONE BUILDING. Furthermore this research team should have a shuttle in orbit for a quick beamaway when necessary.

PICARD: Apparently, some of the factions have resorted to torture to gather their information. Well, a Starfleet research team would be a prime target.
RIKER: Then I'll have to go down there alone, undercover.
PICARD: Agreed.

Really? Why is that? Not even a two-man team would work? For that matter, why is Riker a better choice than Worf for this mission?

TROI: Sometimes it's healthy to explore the darker sides of the psyche. Jung called it owning your own shadow. This could be a sign that you're a real actor. This is becoming more than just a role to you.
RIKER: Maybe you're right.
TROI: Don't be afraid of your darker side. Have fun with it.

Oh boy, how often has THAT backfired in Trek? "Darkling" springs to mind immediately.

RIKER: No, I'll check them tomorrow. I'm going to bed early. The performance is tomorrow night. I want to be up for it.
TROI: I'm looking forward to it. Break a leg.

I thought I knew the origin of the expression, but I guess not. Either the idea is using reverse psychology to trick a curse into a blessing, or it's based on a pun in Yiddish. Whatever.

RIKER: Now, if what you say is true, where am I?
SYRUS: You're in Ward forty seven of the Tilonus Institute for Mental Disorders.

This might be the most obvious 47 that I've ever seen.

JAYA: I hear you're a Starfleet officer. I'm Commander Bloom from the Yorktown. There are at least a dozen of us here, maybe more. We were kidnapped, brought here against our will. Sanders was on the Yosemite. They did something to his mind. I think they're trying to get neurochemicals from our brains. Stafko was with me on the Yorktown. I don't know what they did to him. We're going to get out of here. I've made a communicator.
RIKER: You have?
JAYA: Yes. There are three starships in orbit. They're going to beam us out of here any day now. I'll tell them to get you out, too. (into spoon) Lieutenant Bloom to Yorktown. Come in, Yorktown. I've made contact with another officer.

I would be suspicious at this turn of events. In the real world there's no way a mentally ill person could create a story that cohesive and long.

At this point the Yorktown is a Zodiac-class ship, NCC-61137. The Yosemite is Oberth-class, NCC-19002.

And the rest of the episode can be ignored because it's just Riker bouncing back and forth doubting his own sanity. I HATE those kind of plots.

I've already said that I don't revisit shows like Equinox and Course: Oblivion. Shows where the characters are suffering, suffering, suffering with no reprieve is NOT ENTERTAINMENT to me.

The Fiver

Picard: Some of the factions on Tilonus IV have resorted to torture to gain their information.
Riker: You mean...?
Picard: I'm afraid so. They've started airing reruns from the Home Shopping Network archives.
Riker: I feel faint....

Wow, you can really tell the fiver was written in 2001. We could come up with way more painful forms of farcical torture these days.

Mavek: Dr. Syrus thought you might enjoy some time in the common area.
Riker: Why, what goes on there?
Mavek: We throw you nutcases together in a room and take bets on which one's the craziest.
Riker: Sounds good. I'll put twenty bars of latinum down on the one who's going to end up playing the Borg Queen.

My first question is "which Borg Queen?" Apparently it's Suzanna Thompson, the Voyager Borg Queen actress (not counting the finale when First Contact Alice Kringe stole her thunder, of course).

Riker: To demonstrate my sheer strength, I will now tear down this set with my bare hands.
Crusher: Quick, Deanna, get the holocamera!
Troi: Why?
Crusher: (morphing into Syrus) I want to capture the look on his face when he discovers this really is an asylum. Muahahahahaha....


Nitpicker's Guide

* If Riker was surgically altered to look like a local, why is he human in the asylum?
* Why wasn't a subcutaneous transponder used for this mission?
mudshark: Nate's just being...Nate.
Zeke: It comes nateurally to him.

mudshark: I don't expect Nate to make sense, really -- it's just a bad idea.

Sa'ar Chasm on the forum: Sit back, relax, and revel in the insanity.

Adam Savage: I reject your reality and substitute my own!

Hanlon's Razor: Never attribute to malice that which can be adequately explained by stupidity.

Crow T. Robot: Oh, stop pretending there's a plot. Don't cheapen yourself further.
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