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Old 01-26-2025, 10:10 AM
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Default Star Trek: Section 31 Discussion (SPOILERS)

Eh, what the heck. This thing is ripe for fiving, but it'll probably take me a while, and we may as well have a thread for the first Trek "movie" since Beyond. I'll open with my spoiler-free comments from FB.

That was really dumb. Which is great!

See, I've been dreading this project for years (it was announced in like 2018) because it seemed likely to be harmful, not just dumb. Section 31 is every edgelord's favourite part of the Star Trek universe. Almost nothing good has ever been done with it. Combine that with Mirror Georgiou, who went above and beyond to somehow be the worst thing on Discovery -- an Oscar-winning actress can do NOTHING with this character -- and it seemed like a sure thing that this series/miniseries/movie/whatever would find new ways to torture the suffering wreck of Star Trek.

But nope, this is just a big dumb Abrams-style action movie. Don't get me wrong, I'm not glad we have it, but I'm glad we've been spared anything more "interesting"!
__________________ because stuff is long and life is short

[03:17] FiveMinZeke: Galactica clearly needs the advanced technology of scissors, which get around the whole "yanking on your follicles" problem.
[03:17] IJD: cylons can hack any blades working in conjunction
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section 31, who cares

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