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Old 09-18-2006, 02:21 PM
GreenFire1 GreenFire1 is offline
Mirai heto Navi wo tore!
Join Date: Sep 2006
Posts: 32
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Though we'll have to come up with something funny to make of Cross Fusion. Especially if we ever tackle Stream.
I've got a one time CF joke in FEXE Axess 2. It's at the very beginning (which, interestingly, is the only thing I'm done with - though I have also made a Rush/chili reference and am trying to decide between several jokes to make about Kifune). It pretty much goes like this -

Netto: Ugh... I had a wierd dream. I dreamt that I was in a plot device made to drive this show away from Pokemon by getting the humans into actual battle.
Haruka: That wasn't a dream! By the way, here's a bunch of food I made for you because I have no character development. Or life.

Triple zing!
Currently in the works - Five Minute EXE Axess (indefinitely on hold for no reason), a bunch of random stories, Five Minute Starforce?
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