Thread: June 28
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Old 06-30-2005, 03:24 AM
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Sa'ar Chasm Sa'ar Chasm is offline
Our last, best hope for peace
Join Date: Mar 2003
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La Forge: Hmmm... yep, your Current Mood indicator is still warm. You had an emotion.
Data: I believe it was... anger.
La Forge: This could change everything for you, Data!
Data: Anger: ire, vexation, PO'd-ness....
La Forge: Maybe not everything.
*g* He would be our Data if he wasn't a walking thesaurus.

Troi: Come on, Data! You're not the first man to get a thrill out of murdering someone! I see it all the time!
Data: I respectfully doubt that. You would not see a neon sign in front of your face marked "See?"
Mocking Troi never gets old either.

Data: No. I am going through the motions, but nothing seems to penetrate my heart.
Song lyrics?

Riker: They're entering another conduit! They'll get away!
Picard: Ensign... um, what's your name?
Richard: Richard, sir.
Picard: Ensign Richard. Right. PUNCH IT!
What, are they waterskiing or something?

Worf: The Borg ship took that opportunity to escape. Nicely done, Richard.
Richard: What? But I'm not the tactical --
*snicker* Poor bugger. Even on the bridge, a red shirt is dangerous.

Crosis: Human/Betazoid hybrid. Point out the near-impossibility of successful interspecies reproduction. Disappearance in a puff of logic is immediate.
Troi: Oh yeah? I'm still here, aren't --
Hah! So randomly bizarre.

Data: Which One? Past, present, or future?
That was, that is, or that will be?

(He's stuck in traffic)

Worf: The stolen shuttle's signature is situated on a circling sphere, sir.
Riker: You mean a planet?
Worf: Sorry. We Klingons have difficulty stopping alliteration once we've started it.
Picard: I've never heard that about Klingons.
Worf: Well, it doesn't come up much.

La Forge: Hmm... I can't detect Data or the Borg. The planet's atmosphere is blocking our scans.
Picard: Number One, take -- where are you going?
Riker: To put another notch in the "things blocking our scans" stick.
That's a big stick.

Riker: (over the comm) They're not in the shuttle, sir. They've had about three hours, and given their likely walking speed... dear God! They could be 180 minutes away by now!
Picard: ...Right. Since we can't scan for them, we'll have to send teams to search for them on foot.
Riker: But our crew only walk at sixty minutes per hour!
I distinctly remember you tell me about this. I also completely forgot about it until I read the fiver.

Troi: Hey! Look! There's a huge temple over there!
Picard: What the...? How could Deanna notice that and not us? It's so obvious! ...Ah, right.

La Forge: Hmmm, there's nobody here.
Vast Multitudes of Borg: CHARGE!
Picard: Perfect. Your visor couldn't detect their body heat?
La Forge: Well, sir, it's not all-powerful --
Picard: How about the huge Borg emblem on the ceiling?
A cogent point.

Doctor: Here we are! A simulated crew party in a holographic recreation of the Mess Hall!
Seven: Do I really have to participate?
Doctor: Fun will now commence.
"I have been a bad girl..."
The first run through of any experimental procedure is to identify any potential errors by making them.
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