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Old 04-01-2007, 11:15 PM
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Originally Posted by Chancellor Valium View Post
I never said I didn't watch it.

It's still a great show, despite the rubbish effects, stories, plots, dialogues, two-dimensional characters, lack of character development, reliance on ideas that were cliches then and use of catchphrases, simplistic attempts at messages etc etc...

Is that your argument?
Here's my argument.

1) The acting was fun. It wasn't always good (particuarly in season three), but you could tell the actors cared about what they were saying, and were having fun filming. There was a certain passion in the way Shatner and McCoy delivered their lines that was pretty much missing from most of the latter day Trek actors, save maybe for Stewart and Brooks. Several of the better guest actors -- particularly the Klingons -- had this as well.

2) The shows were fun. When the newer Trek series tried to do fun, it was often more miss than hit. The majority of TNG bored me (particularly its "fun" episodes). DS9 was epic and groundbreaking... but rarely fun. VOY had its own charm I suppose... but often its fun was hokey. And when it wasn't, it felt somewhat out of place in terms of its situation. ENT... its fun fell almost entirely in the hokey camp, IMO.

3) The original series had science fiction writers interested in penning shows. That didn't really happen in the newer shows. Thus the science, while sometimes shoddy and corny, felt unique and ambitious. For the same reason, I am a huge fan of Phillip K. Dick and his works.

4) The characters on this series were archetypes. Not so much later on. You've got the hero captain, the methodical first mate, the passionate doctor... When you're the personalities of your characters are so rigidly defined, it's hard to write them out of character. And everybody can easily relate to them. This is why everybody knows who Kirk and Spock is, and practically nobody knows who Harry Kim or Travis Mayweather are. IMO, of course.

Sorry Valium, for me the whole series just screams "classic". You can point out flaws, sure. But it's sort of like poking fun at an old man in a nursing home who craps his pants. He can't help it. He's an old man. And the younger kids with their continence and splashy special effects are bastards for pointing and laughing at him. Besides, this guy fought in World War II and saved the Federation from Klingon plots. What did these guys do? Shave their heads when Cobain died? Get their asses handed to 'em by fraking holograms?


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