Thread: June 13
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Old 06-14-2005, 04:33 AM
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The Nth Doctor
Join Date: Mar 2003
Location: the North of Gallifrey
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First fiver in a while from me? Goodness me; it's been almost two years since "Five Docs" was published!

Good parts abound, of course.
Doctor: What a gaggle of ninnies I've saddled myself with. I swear, if one more clueless, greenhorn companion shows up I'll snuff *myself* out.
Nyssa: Guess what, everybody! They made me a regular!
Master: I've been waiting for you, Doctor. We've come full circle. When last I met you I was in a state of decay. Now, I am the Master.
Doctor: Only a master of evil, Master.
Oh, and the forward fiver continuity is genius. I don't remember there being so much of it.
Arak: Hey, we saw this one last week, didn't we?
Etta: What, the bald guy? No, he just had to look at the lights and count 'em.
\"Like all those who habitually and instinctively lie, he had an enormous respect and awe for the truth.\"
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