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Old 10-30-2006, 02:55 AM
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Burt Burt is offline
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Default Fivers. It's your choice.

Which Fiver do you like best?

I pretty much like all the Enterprise ones, they crack me up. But Earlier today, I read In the Pale Moonlight. Some how I seem to have missed this one before. Reading it, while drinking hot chocolate I came to this part:

Holo-Weyoun: which point the rest of the Romulan fleet will be unable to stop us. What do you think, Damar?
Sisko: Garak, are you sure you're the best person to write this script?
Garak: Are you implying that the dialogue is less than true-to-life?

At which the drick came flying out of my mouth (And a tiny bit of the nose) And I laughed so hard I spent the next 10 minutes on the floor gasping for breath.
That was a funny fiver.

That cracked me up too:

Sisko: Let's do some role-playing, old man. You're a Romulan strategist, and I argue that the Dominion is sure to turn on you eventually. What's your answer?
Dax: A human! How did you get into Romulan space? Guards!
Sisko: All right, let's say I take down the guards and you have to talk to me.
Dax: I demand to see proof!
Sisko: Blast, you're right. How can we prove the Dominion is --
Dax: No, proof that you could take down the guards. What's your THAC0?


Whats other peoples favs?
Fate: Protects fools, little children and ships named Enterprise...
Fate: Also beats the merry hell out of the Battlestar Galactica.
House Quote of the Day!
"I was curious. But since I'm not a cat, that's not dangerous to me." Dr House MD
I don't think that metaphor was actually designed to warn cats.
Dr Wilson MD (Just)
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