Thread: Holy question
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Old 06-19-2006, 09:54 PM
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Originally Posted by Chancellor Valium
Maybe not, but frankly, he was dealing with man in the Middle Ages. He should have known better than to start insulting powerful men left, right and centre. Furthermore, the Inquisition, not the Church itself, classed him as a heretic, and as you should remember, the Inquisition was set up not by the Pope, but by Ferdinand + Isabella.
Easy to say now. But the Church could have easy undone what they did. Instead they waited hundreds of years to refute their points. And a man was persecuted as a Heretic for years, and his theories, which could help mankind and science, are ignored.
And come on. Talk about blaming the victim! Nice to see, that if insulted, the ‘Holy goodness’ of the church comes crashing down, and they are happy to damage others.

Originally Posted by Chancellor Valium
The problem is, that people seem to have this idea that the mood of the century outweighs a prevailing law that has lasted two millennia. There will be an anti-same-sex swing back, in time. But religious law is based on God. God is eternal, and unchanging. He won't change with the latest 'hip' thing to think. .
What!? The rights of all other men and women to be equal in the world..., is a ‘Mood of the Century’?! Granted some laws maybe….errors, but in general laws follow society. And I think laws nowadays are pretty good. Not perfect, but good. Back in Gods day, beating your wife with certain sized objects was acceptable. Child labour was fine. It’s utterly, utterly silly to say that. And as for the Anti-same-sex ‘swing’ back? Well I’m not sure if I should laugh or be afraid. The idea, that ALL PEOPLE are equal is something scared. Something that the Church should understand, more than others. Yet they attack it again and again. And I have sat and listened in disbelief to the POPE’S unedited speech of how ‘Homosexuality’ will destroy our morals, children and world.
God is eternal
God is unchanging
Then God is wrong

Yes, somewhat of a sensitive topic for me, being Gay myself.

Originally Posted by Chancellor Valium
And do you have any idea why they are throwing things? These are people who have had their homes invaded and were persecuted for centuries. The protestants aren't ruddy Irish! They don't belong in Ireland, the were just thrust there to make James the Sixth and First feel better. They invaded, stole jobs, homes, churches and acted all superior. They're why Ulster hasn't been repatriated to Ireland. They are, in short, a menace that the people of Ulster have had to put up with for about 500 years, and frankly after that amount of time you and I wouldn't care about whether the targets of our aggression were children or adults either. .
It’s not the 18th Century!! They are not slaves revolting! There is no reason why they can’t get along with each other. And even if they have that trouble, attacking Children,… Children? Because of a difference in Religion?
They have not been alive for 500 years.
Just the last few.
It really does make me sick.
For your information, my mother is Irish and Catholic. I’ve been to and studied Ireland many times. I’m very well aware of the topic. I’m still very well aware that there is no need to act like that, because of a difference in Nationality/Religion.
As a sidebar, should the Native Americans be allowed to kill American’s? By right, their suffering was much worse. And the Australian Aborigines?
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