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Old 02-06-2004, 05:05 AM
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Nic Corelli Nic Corelli is offline
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Science Fiction Characters' Top Ten Schemes for Dealing with the One Ring of Power[/quoteost_uid0]
10. Kirk tells the Ring that it`s fundamentally illogical to wear golden rings after Labour Day. Ring goes KABOOM.
9. Archer and the crew of the Enterprise are actually on a secret mission to throw the Ring into the fiery pits of Mount Xindi.
8. Kes plots to find the Ring and use it to kill Seven.
7. Xena asks the Ring to give her unnaturally long life, so she can amaze the viewers by fighting both Alexander The Great and Caesar.
6. When Paris gives Torres a nice, golden wedding ring, she starts jumping and screaming: NOOOOOO! THE PRIMAL EVIL! RESIST! He bursts into tears.
5. Spock uses the Ring to make all humans emotionless and logical. The Ring, devious as it is, does that, but also turns him into a Talaxian.
4. When Luke puts the Ring on his finger, Darth Vader cuts off his hand.
3. Admiral Janeway brings the Ring from the future and tells Captain Janeway to use it to return home, but Captain Janeway argues with her fiercely that the Ring must be destroyed.
2. Chakotay found the Ring in Season 4 and was too scared to act ever since.

1. The Breen used to sing the most beautiful serenades and arias in the galaxy, until they failed to resist the Ring.

NEXT - Top 10 T`Pol`s favourite TV shows

EDIT - Opium... NOOOOOOOOO![/colorost_uid0]

\"Lord Eddard Stark is a proud, honourable, honest man, and his lady wife is worse.\"

~A Game of Thrones, book one of Song of Ice and Fire
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