Thread: February 22
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Old 02-23-2005, 06:15 AM
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mudshark mudshark is offline
Is he ever gonna hit Krazy Kat, or what?
Join Date: Mar 2003
Location: UMRK
Posts: 1,738

Huzzah! New fiivers!
Shaw: But facts are facts. Here, watch this recording of the events in real time.
Kirk: Damn.
Video Recording: I am incriminating.
Stone: (gasp) He's pressing the "jettison pod" button before Red Alert! With his middle finger! The symbolism!
Cogley: Burn him! Burn him! Burn--
Kirk: You are so fired.
"I am incriminating." Hee.
Scotty: Captain! Our orbit is collapsing! We're goin' down!
Kirk: (over the comm) Dammit, Scotty. What was the last thing I told you before I left?
Scotty: Not to ruin the butt groove you had going in your chair?
Kirk: No, the other thing.
Scotty: (sigh) Not to crash the Enterprise into the planet.
Kirk: (over the comm) Scotty, report.
Scotty: Everything's all right up here, Captain. We're not falling out of orbit, and Sulu is back to normal.
Sulu: Where'd all the colours go? What a downer, man.
Kirk: Good, good. You're not sitting in my chair, are you?
Scotty: Er....
Kirk: Sigh. Eight months of work, all for nothing.

Good work, both of you.
Methinks Ted Sturgeon was too kind.

'Yes, but I think some people should be offended.'
-- John Cleese (on whether he thought some might be offended by Monty Python)
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