Thread: June 19
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Old 06-21-2005, 12:21 AM
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Sa'ar Chasm Sa'ar Chasm is offline
Our last, best hope for peace
Join Date: Mar 2003
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O'Brien: We'll take her back with us, sir. We came to look for you in a Federation Star Destroyer, so we've got plenty of room aboard.
Methinks the Founders got their series crossed when they prepared their simulation.

Female Shapeshifter: Then you must be doing something wrong. What was the last object whose shape you assumed?
Odo: A burned-out lightbulb. It wasn't an enlightening experience.

Garak: Let me go talk with her and try to smooth things out. I have a talent for persuading Romulans to play along.
I should know what this means, but I'm drawing a blank, unless it refers to Garak's tenure as a "gardener" at the Cardassian embassy on Romulus.

Kira: A great man once said, "Don't try to be a great rock, just be a rock, and let history make its own judgments."
Odo: Someone really said that?
Kira: Well, not exactly.

Nechayev: Good news, Commander -- the treaty's been signed.
Borath: Under its terms, the Dominion will now take control of the wormhole, the station, Bajor, all Federation colonies, all of Starfleet....
Sisko: And just what happens to Earth, if I may ask?
Borath: Earth? Let me check... I think it's mentioned somewhere here in Appendix D.
Demolished to make ay for a hyperspace bypass.

Jem'Hadar Soldier: Silence, you Cardassian traitor, or I'll remove your ra!
Garak: My ra? Whatever are you talking about?
Garak: GAK!
Took me a second reading to get this. Very clever.

Kira: The power source seems to be behind this mysterious door. Can you open it?
Odo: I think so. (knocks) Open up in there, it's me.
Kira: Incredible. They fell for it.
Odo: Of course. "Me" is always someone everybody knows.
Everything old is new again.

Zeke: Quick, into the garbage chute!

Kira: We're not on a Death Star.

Derek: You could have picked a better time to not rip off Star Wars.
*snicker* Self-parody is a great thing.

The whole thing was great, Kira, just not in a way that's easily quotable.
The first run through of any experimental procedure is to identify any potential errors by making them.
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