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Old 10-15-2023, 10:54 PM
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Nate the Great Nate the Great is offline
You just activated his Trek card
Join Date: Mar 2004
Location: Minneapolis, MN
Posts: 4,899

DAX: Navigational sensors aren't functioning.
KIRA: No problem.
DAX: No problem? Big problem. Without navigational sensors
KIRA: we'll have to fly by the seat of our pants.
DAX: Great. Seat of the pants technology.
KIRA: You Starfleet types are too dependant on gadgets and gizmos. You lose your natural instincts for survival.

Ugh. Without navigational sensors you don't have a clue where Bajor is, where it's going, or where your ship is going to crash into Bajor!

Look, I'm all for the analogies with guerilla warfare and having to navigate by the stars, but this ship is being held together with spit, mud, and prayers as it is. Even an accidental impact with another ship will leave you dying in the vacuum or burning up on reentry.

DAX: Not so good. The phaser locks are dead. There's no way to aim.
KIRA: Sure there is.
DAX: I know, I know. Seat of the pants.
KIRA: With your eyes, Lieutenant, not your pants. Just point at them and fire.

And here we go again. Even IF you can keep your ship under control so it doesn't smash into anything, there's no way you can keep track of another ship that's shooting at you. Even a glancing blow and you're in vacuum like I already said.

KIRA: No, the evidence speaks for itself. You have to leave me. That's an order, Lieutenant.
DAX: The Federation officially left Bajor yesterday. You're no longer my commanding officer.

I'm pretty sure it doesn't work like that, but I'm not in the mood to speculate about how much authority Bajoran Militia officers have over Starfleet ones.

LI: I've done everything I can to help. I'd die for my people but
SISKO: Sure you would. Dying gets you off the hook. Question is, are you willing to live for your people? Live the role they want you to play. That's what they need from you right now.

The problem here is that Li has been in the background for the entire trilogy. What will all the time wasted on the other subplots we haven't been given a reason to care about Li Nalas. This whole civil war thing should've been a six parter at the very least.

DAX: It's the only way we can get to the Chamber of Ministers.
BAREIL: Members of religious orders are the only ones who can travel safely in the streets. I'm going to escort you.

This is ridiculous, but like I already said, the writers are trying to cram WAY TOO MUCH into this trilogy.

QUARK: Never make fun of a Ferengi's mother! Rule of Acquisition number thirty-one.

Considering women's rights on Ferenginar, you have to wonder why that one was invented. I just don't see Gint as being a Momma's boy.

KIRA: This is a manifest PADD from a Kressari vessel. It bears the thumbscan of a Cardassian Gul who transferred weapons to that ship. Those weapons were taken by the Kressari to the Circle. This coup will deliver Bajor back into the hands of its greatest enemies. Are you willing to live under Cardassian rule again?

Seriously, not inventing a name for this Gul is just stupid.

The Fiver

Quark: There aren't enough runabouts for everyone to get off the station, Rom. Do you know what this means?
Rom: One of us is going to have a whirlwind romance before dying tragically?
Quark: No, idiot! We're going to be rich!
Rom: By finding a priceless blue diamond?
Quark: Shut up. Just shut up.

So Titanic was still a cultural force in 2005. I'm amazed that it stayed that popular that long.

Jake: Nog, I'd just like to say... you're the best bad influence a guy could ever have.
Nog: And you're the best patsy a troublemaker could ask for.
Music: Near... far... wherever you are....

I've never actually watched Titanic, were Jake and Nog's dialog close to an exchange from the movie?

Odo: Actually, Quark, I'd like you to explain these.
Sisko: A wig, high heels, and a woman's dress?
Quark: Hey, if you don't approve of that sort of thing then you should update your "women and children first" policy.

Another Titanic joke. It wasn't worth it.

Dax: You expect us to fly this hunk of junk? What if it breaks down in mid-flight?
Kira: Well, you have to compare it to other modes of travel, such as hurling yourself naked through the vacuum. Or flying in a shuttle with Chakotay.
Dax: True.

How many shuttles did Chakotay crash? The only one I can recall is the one in Nemesis.

O'Brien: What are we going to do now, Commander?
Sisko: We're going to do what we do every night, Chief: try and take over the station.

I'm surprised O'Brien didn't say "Narf!" after that one.

Bajoran Soldier: What the...? Who the hell are you?
Bashir: Bashir. Julian Bashir. You have the right to remained suckered, suckers.
Sisko: (over the comm) Good work, Doctor.
Bashir: Thank you, sir. I was going to go with "I'm Julian Bashir! Don't you read history?" but then I thought --

Generations, too? Was I supposed to get a Bingo card before reading this fiver?

Sisko: Not until I've delivered this message. "Honorable ministers, distinguished Vedeks, I come to you under the gravest of circumstances. The..."

Apparently this is a Phantom Menace quote. I guess Kira was on a late-'90s kick with this one.

Kira: I'm not leaving until I deliver this message. "Colonel Day, years ago you served your people in the Cardassian Wars. Now they beg you to help them in their struggle against..." Wait, this isn't the right message....

Or a general Star Wars kick. Whatever.

Sisko: Well, all's well that ends well.
O'Brien: What are you talking about? Li Nalas is dead, and we still haven't rid Bajor of factionalism, political unrest, religious extremism, and economic chaos.

Exactly. What has this trilogy really solved?

Memory Alpha

* There were plans to reuse Li Nalas, but my immediate rebuttal is that they didn't do a good job characterizing him here and thus there wasn't anywhere for his character arc to go. Seriously, from the start he was broadcasting the message "I'm going to die!", the only question was how well he was going to die.
* The director wanted to do a two-parter. I don't see how. Even if they threw out the Kira/Bariel thing, and Vedek Winn, and Kira and Dax in a rickety ship, there was more than they could resolve in THREE hours, much less two.

Nitpicker's Guide

* Back in "Progess" they made the fifth moon of Bajor uninhabitable, so where is the "Lunar V Base"?
* Why wasn't Quark punished? Because there wasn't enough time in the episode, that's why. I hope Odo punished him offscreen.
* Phil questions Kira's use of the expression "flying by the seat of our pants." I don't, the Universal Translator has to have a telepathic link with the user to work in the first place, idiom translation has never been past it's abilities (except for that stupid Darmok episode, of course).
* How can Dax give directions in terms of "o'clock" when Bajoran and Federation clocks are different. (For that matter, who says that Bajorans use rotary clocks?)
* Phil also has a problem with Quark keeping all of his money in latinum. I don't, we've seen many times that Ferengi prefer to use hard currency wherever possible. Call it the Scrooge McDuck effect.
* Where did Dax get surgically altered into a Bajoran?
* Jake speaks of Nog returning to school, but Phil points out that Rom banned him from school back in "The Nagus."
* Sisko implies that they fit two hundred people in three runabouts. Phil finds that unlikely, I say that Sisko made it clear that not everyone could fit, hence the tickets that Quark bought and sold.
mudshark: Nate's just being...Nate.
Zeke: It comes nateurally to him.

mudshark: I don't expect Nate to make sense, really -- it's just a bad idea.

Sa'ar Chasm on the forum: Sit back, relax, and revel in the insanity.

Adam Savage: I reject your reality and substitute my own!

Hanlon's Razor: Never attribute to malice that which can be adequately explained by stupidity.

Crow T. Robot: Oh, stop pretending there's a plot. Don't cheapen yourself further.
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