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Old 10-10-2023, 12:16 AM
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Nate the Great Nate the Great is offline
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Location: Minneapolis, MN
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KIRA: Before we go, there's one thing we need to clear up between us.
O'BRIEN: And what would that be?
KIRA: This mission can end only one of two ways. Either we bring back Li Nalas or we don't come back at all.

Well, that's...insane.

JARO: You know your little adventure has made you some enemies in the Chamber of Ministers.
KIRA: I'm not surprised.

She doesn't already have enemies in the Chamber of Ministers?

(Three masked figures grab Quark, gag him and we hear someone use something that sizzles on his flesh)
(Later, medical help has arrived and we see the Circle brand on Quark's head.)

I fail to see the point in this. As I've already said, it would be easier to take over the planet and then evict Quark and the other aliens. These guys are supposed to be smarter than this.

JAKE: It was supposed to be. She couldn't make it.
SISKO: It happens.
JAKE: She said her father wouldn't let her go out with me.
SISKO: Why not?
JAKE: Because I'm not a Bajoran.
SISKO: That's not much of a reason.

It is far FAR too soon for anti-Federation racism. "In The Hands of the Prophets" was like a month ago!

SISKO: The Nanut isn't scheduled to return from the Gamma Quadrant for two years.
LI: Actually I planned on staying there considerably longer.

It's too soon for deep-space missions in the Gamma Quadrant. We still haven't mapped all major governments within a thousand lightyears of the wormhole.

SISKO: They still need you.
LI: But I am not the man that they think I am.
SISKO: Perhaps not. But Bajor doesn't need a man. It needs a symbol, and that's what you are. No one's asking you to lead troops into battle, or to kill a hundred Cardassians with your bare hands. I saw you in front of the crowd on the Promenade. They look at you and they see strength, and honour, and decency. They look at you and they see the best in themselves.
LI: But it's all based on a lie.
SISKO: No. It's based on a legend. And legends are as powerful as any truth. Bajor still needs that legend. It needs you.

I'm not comfortable with this. It doesn't matter if Sisko is right or not, the point is that Nalas is a man who has the right to do what he wants. He has committed no crime and Sisko can't make him a prisoner.

The Fiver

Rionoj: Hello, Quark. Would you do me a favour in exchange for a little oo-mox?
Quark: Gladly. Seeing you walk around in that catsuit is already the next best thing to oo-mox.
Rionoj: My fashion designer will be pleased to hear that. I'll pass along your compliment the next time I'm on Vulcan.

For an Enterprise joke this is rather weak.

Kira: So did I. Now we can add "coming back from the dead" to his long list of accomplishments.
Sisko: I didn't think there was any room left on his c.v. to squeeze in another item.
Kira: I've spoken to the Provisional Government, sir. They've already agreed to print a new expanded edition.

A better punchline would've been "The Provisional Government has officially authorized him to have a two-page resume."

Prisoner: All right, then let's beam up to your ship in alphabetical order.
O'Brien: Sounds fair. What are the first letters in the Bajoran alphabet?
Prisoner: "L" and "N," of course.

The Bajoran alphabet has 25 letters, each of which can be flipped and rotated one of eight ways. In Strange New Worlds Uhura is fluent in the language, which I don't like; Cardassian/Bajoran space is supposed to be far beyond the borders of the known 23rd century powers.

Li: But it never was a duel! I accidentally caught him skinny-dipping and he died of embarrassment!
Sisko: Then why does everyone think you fought him hand-to-hand for twelve days and twelve nights? Did you lie about what happened?
Li: No, but it was the Resistance's first victory in months, so our propaganda people took a few liberties with my report.
Sisko: It also sounds like they had help from one or two Klingons along the way.

It was Kahless and his brother that fought for twelve days, or so the history books will tell you. In reality...well, you should really read Kahless.

Li: But I'm not the great man they think I am!
Sisko: That doesn't matter. Someone once said, "Don't try to be a great man; just be a man and let history make its own judgments."

Have I mentioned lately how much I hate the First Contact version of Cochrane?

Memory Alpha

* There won't be another three-parter in Trek until Enterprise's Borderland/Cold Station 12/The Augments.
* First episode where Morn doesn't appear. That's a surprise.

Nitpicker's Guide

* How could Quark be ambushed like that when Sisko specifically said that there can't be any low-security areas of the station anymore. Frankly, I'm shocked that Quark was counting money without locking the doors first. And doesn't he have a back room for this sort of thing?
* Phil has a problem with Jake struggling with algebra when kids younger than him were studying calculus in "When The Bough Breaks". I would argue that you still use algebra in the process of doing calculus. In fact, since I'm an engineer, not a mathematician, I use algebra MORE than calculus!
* Why did Sisko use two different replicators for his coffee and pastry?
* Phil questions the economics of the Replimat. I don't. It would be child's play to program the things to recognize Sisko's voice and automatically deduct the money from his account.
* O'Brien outright says that the runabout's transporter can only beam two at a time. I know that there are only two transporter pads, but TNG's shuttles don't have any and they were beaming THREE at a time! Incidentally, three people will be beamed by a runabout at once in the very next episode! Oops.
* Somehow Kira storms into Sisko's office without ringing the doorbell. Oops.
mudshark: Nate's just being...Nate.
Zeke: It comes nateurally to him.

mudshark: I don't expect Nate to make sense, really -- it's just a bad idea.

Sa'ar Chasm on the forum: Sit back, relax, and revel in the insanity.

Adam Savage: I reject your reality and substitute my own!

Hanlon's Razor: Never attribute to malice that which can be adequately explained by stupidity.

Crow T. Robot: Oh, stop pretending there's a plot. Don't cheapen yourself further.
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