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Old 09-24-2023, 08:02 PM
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Nate the Great Nate the Great is offline
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Location: Minneapolis, MN
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KIRA: The Bajorans were a peaceful people before you came. We offered no threat to you. We could never understand why you had to be so brutal.

The Cardassians wanted Bajor's resources and saw no need to mine it themselves when there were these "lower life forms" available to the work instead. Arrogance and callousness. It's not that complicated.

MARRITZA: What lies? You mean my failure to divulge my true identity? Believe me, Major, I yearned to tell you but I knew how much more satisfaction you would have if find out for yourself. And that was my only deception. Marritza was a magnificent file clerk. And I, Gul Darhe'el, I hope you'll not think it immodest of me to say so, but I was a magnificent leader. You never saw Gallitep at its height. For a labour camp, it was the very model of order and efficiency.

I'm glad the notion that the Nazis were efficient has died the death that it deserved.

ODO: Here, this will help.
KIRA: What is it?
ODO: Maraltian seev-ale from Quark's private stock. Better?

Only appearance of Maraltian seev-ale. I wonder why the writers didn't just use Romulan ale here.

QUARK: Who're they?
ODO: Survivors of Gallitep. They arrived early this morning. I suppose they're waiting for justice.
QUARK: Gallitep. Imagine living through that hellhole. The pain, the sorrow. Do you think they like to gamble?

This isn't the place for levity, Quark! Or the writers of the episode, even SF Debris didn't like it.

MARRITZA: Yes, yes, let's get to the real issue. How many Cardassians did you kill? I mean personally.
KIRA: I didn't keep count.
MARRITZA: Oh, I think you did. And I'm sure your total wasn't limited to military personnel. After all, the most effective terrorist weapon was random violence. Don't leave now, Major, it's just getting good. How many Cardassian civilians did you kill?
KIRA: Look, I regret a lot of what I had to do.

I'm still having trouble believing that there were Cardassian civilians on Bajor during the Occupation. In any great quantity, at least. There would be some servants, clerks, prostitutes, etc. but they wouldn't be in the areas that the Bajorans would target for attacks.

BASHIR: Five years ago, after arriving on Kora Two, he started taking massive doses of a dermatiraelian plastiscine, which is a dermal regenerative agent used to maintain skin resilience after cosmetic alteration.
KIRA: You're saying he changed his face to look like Gul Darhe'el.

I'll skip the screed of speculation about the required secondary treatment for permanent cosmetic alteration as opposed to the temporary stuff that Starfleet did all the time.

KIRA: Why are you doing this?
MARRITZA: For Cardassia. Cardassia will only survive if it stands in front of Bajor and admits the truth. My trial will force Cardassia to acknowledge its guilt. And we're guilty, all of us. My death is necessary.

It's easy to say that you can ignore the logic because the guy's nuts, but I don't think it's that simple. What is simple is that the Cardassians would never let one nutjob change their culture that much. The police state is too strong.

The Fiver

Freighter Captain: (over the comm) I request permission to beam a passenger to your Infirmary. He has a chronic illness called Kalla-Nohra Syndrome.
Sisko: Go right ahead.
Kira: Commander, this disease means he's a survivor from a Cardassian forced labour camp called Gallitep. Could I go pay my respects to this gentleman?
Sisko: Are you saying that Bajorans consider this disease to be a badge of honour?
Kira: Of course. Don't you have any traditions like that on Earth?

Whatever real-world disease you care to put in this slot, a parody is not the place to bring it up.

Sisko: Why did you order Odo to lock up Marritza? Just because he's a Cardassian?
Kira: He could only have caught Kalla-Norah by being at Gallitep at the time of a particular mining accident. His disease automatically makes him a war criminal! His disease means he's guilty of the most horrible atrocities!
Sisko: Now that sounds closer to some of the old traditions we used to have on Earth.
Odo: Yes, I've read about how humans used to stigmatize certain illnesses. It's too bad that Earth doesn't have the same history of tolerant social thinking that Vulcan does.

Marc is soapboxing and sacrificing laughs in his efforts. I don't approve.

Darhe'el: Absolutely! Nobody could work Bajorans to death like I could! I cancelled their coffee breaks, imposed mandatory overtime, denied them the right to unionize! None of my competitors could match the productivity of Gallitep!

I feel that a punchline is missing here. Like he made everyone drink decaf instead of real coffee, or forced daily yoga sessions, or something...

Kira: I'll go check out your hunch as soon as I'm finished. The soap's not helping very much -- have you got anything stronger?
Odo: No, but if you like I can ask Chief O'Brien for a few gallons of paint stripper.


Kira: How did you know I was in the Resistance?
Darhe'el: Because all Bajorans were members of the Resistance.
Kira: No they weren't.
Darhe'el: Yes they were. Heck, I'll bet your own mother was one the movement's senior leaders.

No, she was too busy being Dukat's mistress.

Kira: No. I'm releasing you. I refuse to send an innocent man to face execution on Bajor.
Marritza: Oh, right. As if it would be worse than what will happen to me if I go back home and Gul Dukat finds out that I just tried to shame the entire Cardassian Union.

A good point. He would be quickly "disappeared" if he tried returning to Cardassian space.

Nitpicker's Guide

* How could Kira liberate Gallitep if she doesn't know what Darhe'el looks like?
* Dukat said that Sisko would be held responsible if a Bajoran hatemonger killed Marritza. Well, that happened, so what are the repurcussions for Sisko?
* Phil wonders how Marritza could be so old that he has the medical problems that Darhe'el would have, when Darhe'el was much older. My rejoinder is that we only have one degraded photo to work from in judging either of their ages. And even today old people degenerate at different rates.
* Why can't Odo see behind him, his "eyes" are just ornamental parts of the shape he has shifted into!
* Phil wonders how a simple knife would killed Marritza. My answer is that it wasn't a "simple" knife wound, it was a knife would on an old person that was already in failing health!
* Phil questions the presence of this knife given Odo's ban on weapons, but I would argue that making a knife invisible to scans would be a lot easier than making a phaser invisible.
mudshark: Nate's just being...Nate.
Zeke: It comes nateurally to him.

mudshark: I don't expect Nate to make sense, really -- it's just a bad idea.

Sa'ar Chasm on the forum: Sit back, relax, and revel in the insanity.

Adam Savage: I reject your reality and substitute my own!

Hanlon's Razor: Never attribute to malice that which can be adequately explained by stupidity.

Crow T. Robot: Oh, stop pretending there's a plot. Don't cheapen yourself further.
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