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Old 09-26-2021, 05:39 PM
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Nate the Great Nate the Great is offline
You just activated his Trek card
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Location: Minneapolis, MN
Posts: 4,893

GUINAN: No. There were survivors. And Tasha Yar was one of them.
PICARD: Guinan, that was twenty three years ago. Tasha Yar was only a child.
GUINAN: I know that. But I also know she was aboard that ship and she was not a child. And I think you sent her there.
PICARD: How can that be?
GUINAN: I don't know. I just know that you did.

Only in the most general sense did Picard "send" her. Tasha volunteered.

PICARD: Tasha died, a year before you came on the Enterprise. You never met her.
GUINAN: I know that.

"Skin of Evil" is Stardate 41602.1. Guinan came to the Enterprise before "The Child", Stardate 42073.1. That's six months, not a year.

Seriously, the creators never should've said a thousand stardates equals a year. They invite us to Do The Math.

GUINAN: If I'm right, then you are responsible for this whole situation.

No, he's not! Tasha volunteered to go to the Enterprise-C because GUINAN told her that she died a meaningless death in the original timeline. If anything GUINAN is responsible for this whole situation!

KURN: So now Gowron no longer suits you. Perhaps you mean to challenge him for the leadership of the Council?

"Not for at least seven years!" Hehe.

SELA: Yes, she was on that ship twenty four years ago. She was sent there by you from the future.

I wonder why Tasha would lie about this point. What does it accomplish besides making Sela anti-Starfleet, something Tasha would want to avoid?

SELA: A Romulan general saw her and became enamoured with her.

The novel "Vulcan's Heart" gives his name as Volskiar.

WORF: Your family has never valued honour.
B'ETOR: You knew only our brother. We are not like him.

Yeah, you're stupider. You actually thought that an illegitimate underage (and idotic) son could actually make a valid claim to the proverbial throne. And you have a habit of trusting the most untrustworthy people.

PICARD: When Gowron begins his attack, then we will make our move. Excalibur will fall back with engine problems. You will take the Akagi and the Hornet to this position, which will open a small gap in our detection net.

Frankly the Romulans should've started the long trip AROUND the net by now. Whatever.

DATA [OC]: The net is no longer effective in a radius of ten million kilometres around the Sutherland.
PICARD: Send a signal to the fleet. All ships to fall back and rendezvous at Gamma Eridon. We'll re-establish the net there.

So instead of a hole in the net there will be no net for several hours. Brilliant strategy, Patton!

Memory Alpha

* The only episode where Sela's name is used. They didn't use it at all in "Unification"?
* Final appearance of Kurn until his "death" in "Sons of Mogh."

Nitpicker's Guide

* How does a woman as young as Sela command a fleet anyway? Some say it's because of her father's authority, I have doubts. The Romulans don't seem the type to engage in nepotism.
* Phil seems to think that Sela used her sensors to detect which ship Data was on. Putting aside the fact that I don't think long-range sensors can detect Data, why would she even check? It seems more reasonable that the Romulans have spies within Starfleet.
* Why would the Romulans kill Tasha so quickly? Wouldn't they interrogate her about future Starfleet tech? My immediate rejoinder is that technology in the "real" timeline won't be identical to tech in the altered timeline. And while Tasha knows how to operate her console and probably knows how to reprogram a torpedo on the fly, the real inner workings are beyond her purview.
* Why doesn't Worf respond to seeing Sela?
* Worf's resignation was treated like a big deal in Part I, so why is his return so casual in Part II?
* Much nitpicking of the technology behind the detection grid.
mudshark: Nate's just being...Nate.
Zeke: It comes nateurally to him.

mudshark: I don't expect Nate to make sense, really -- it's just a bad idea.

Sa'ar Chasm on the forum: Sit back, relax, and revel in the insanity.

Adam Savage: I reject your reality and substitute my own!

Hanlon's Razor: Never attribute to malice that which can be adequately explained by stupidity.

Crow T. Robot: Oh, stop pretending there's a plot. Don't cheapen yourself further.
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