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Old 07-11-2021, 11:52 PM
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Nate the Great Nate the Great is offline
You just activated his Trek card
Join Date: Mar 2004
Location: Minneapolis, MN
Posts: 4,888

CRUSHER: I'd like to do more cross-sections on the brain tissue of some of these bodies. Set up the positron emission sensor in Sickbay, and I'll decide which ones I want to study.

Between this and Data's positronic brain, one wonders if ANYONE on staff knows what positrons are. They're just antimatter electrons, you can't use them in medical equipment unless you're in an antimatter universe!

Furthermore, even if you argue that Data's head has a magnetic bottle to contain the positrons, what about the times he's been stunned? Does his head have that many redundancies?

CRUSHER: Deanna, nothing's working. I've tried somatic drugs, I've tried inducing theta waves into the entorhinal cortex.

The somatic nervous system is another name for the voluntary nervous system. Don't ask me how sedating the body but not the brain is supposed to help.

Theta waves are used by the brain for learning, memory, and spatial navigation. Nothing to do with sleep.

The entorhinal cortex creates and consolidates memories, and optimizes them during sleep. This one actually makes a bit of sense.

GILLESPIE: Well, I think it's some kind of experiment. You see, Captain Picard is trying to see how long we'll take it, stuck here like rats.
GUINAN: You couldn't be more wrong.

So Guinan is immune, fair enough. But how can she be the only one besides Data? Are there no Vulcans who can pick up some slack? Is there a Horta on board that may be immune? And now that I think about it, what about the whales and dolphins down in Cetacean Ops?

(Worf takes an ornate dagger from a box, anoints it with wine)
WORF: lujpu' jiH'e, Alexandrijn.
(he prepares to plunge the dagger into his throat when Troi runs in)
TROI: Worf, no!

"I have failed, Alexander." I shudder to think what the kids on board are going through.

Acting Captain's log, stardate 44642.1. I have assumed command of the Enterprise at the request of Captain Picard.

It's been nineteen hours since Picard's last log. I think more time has passed than that.

DATA: There is no technology to block telepathic transmissions, Doctor.

I agree with SF Debris, you'd think someone would've invented that by now.

DATA: You will have to communicate with the other ship within two minutes of entering REM sleep.
TROI: Two minutes. Is that all, Data?
DATA: Unfortunately, yes. We have only enough power to emit a hydrogen stream for that amount of time.

I have no idea of how long it takes to start dreaming after you fall asleep, but you'd think the cortical scanner would help make it uniform. However, an immediate start to dreaming seems implausible. I have experienced instant changes from dream to waking up, however.

DATA: We will have to draw power from the life-support systems in order to discharge the collectors. This is Acting Captain Data. All personnel will report to designated shelter areas immediately. Life support systems will continue only in emergency shelter areas.

Shouldn't the crew already be isolated in the emergency shelter areas to conserve power?

The Fiver

O'Brien: Keiko, you're cheating on me, aren't you?
Keiko: What? Of course not!
O'Brien: Oh, sure. And next you'll probably deny being a genetically-enhanced Cardassian agent from the Mirror Universe.

This confuses me. Mirror Keiko's biography at Memory Beta doesn't mention really being a Cardassian.

Captain's Log: The crew's hallucinations are getting worse. At this rate, I can get a date with Beverly by Tuesday.

If you haven't been driven insane by then. And being surrounded by insane people hardly sounds like a good date.

Troi: I have these strange, terrible dreams. I'm floating in a green cloud, and a voice whispers at me.
Riker: Well, either you're the Emissary of the Prophets, or else you should beware of a tall, dark stranger in the month of June.

This is one joke I don't get and my Google-Fu failed me.

Crusher: We're going crazy because we aren't dreaming.
Picard: I can solve that. Picard to all crewmen. Repeat after me -- "I firmly believe we shall soon see peace in the Middle East." Also, memorize that speech by that Martin Luther person. Anything else, Doctor?

Well, that's a little tasteless.

Crusher: Captain, I believe that making hundreds of people go crazy and try to kill each other is these aliens' form of communication.
Picard: My God... I never imagined there could be a race consisting entirely of talk show hosts.

I'll just link to Weird Al's Jerry Springer...

Nitpicker's Guide

* The stardates indicate that it's only been a week since "Galaxy's Child". How did the Enterprise get that far into deep space?
* If you separated the saucer would both parts have enough inertia to escape this thing? My response is even if eventually they would drift out of range, the people would be dead before that.
* Couldn't they create an explosion by self-destructing the Brattain?
mudshark: Nate's just being...Nate.
Zeke: It comes nateurally to him.

mudshark: I don't expect Nate to make sense, really -- it's just a bad idea.

Sa'ar Chasm on the forum: Sit back, relax, and revel in the insanity.

Adam Savage: I reject your reality and substitute my own!

Hanlon's Razor: Never attribute to malice that which can be adequately explained by stupidity.

Crow T. Robot: Oh, stop pretending there's a plot. Don't cheapen yourself further.
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