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Old 05-10-2021, 02:37 AM
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May 28th, 1990 "Menage a Troi"

No fiver

The Episode

GRAX: They made a profit and behaved themselves. What more could one ask? Still, they trouble me. We Betazeds are uncomfortable with species like the Ferengi whose minds we can't read.

I understand the need for exposition, but this example is a little blunt and bordering on racism.

GRAX: Yes, Lwaxana and I go way back. Her first husband and I were old friends, and I've known Deanna since she was a child.

First husband? When did Lwaxana marry again? We know that she didn't find a husband after "Manhunt." Does Deanna have an unnamed stepfather from the past?

LWAXANA: Have you considered if you had stayed on Betazed, you might have been a happier person.

This is a loaded question. While Deanna can speak telepathically with other Betazoids, you have to imagine that there's more of a groupmind mentality there that she wouldn't be able to participate in. If you read ''Imzadi'' you can see the parallels between Deanna's childhood and old Southern families. Lwaxana is clearly some form of "old money"/pseudo nobility. Deanna's decision to join Starfleet came relatively late in her youth (remember that she met Will when she was a student in a non-Starfleet school), so she was probably trained by Lwaxana to take her place in said nobility. But was Deanna happy in that life? When did she decide that her mother was easier to take in small doses? I could go on.

TROI: I love my work aboard the Enterprise.
LWAXANA: Yes, of course you do, but its all business and no play. You've got to enjoy life, relax, like I do. Find yourself the right man, think of your future.

I don't think Deanna ever had a problem with work/life balance. It's awkward that Lwaxana feels that having a family is an absolute essential for everyone.

FAREK: To read our competitors' minds? Yes, that would be valuable. But she'd never agree to use her powers to help us.
TOG: I'm not so sure.

I am. While the show never goes into it, Betazoids are pretty noticeable by their eyes. You have to be a quarter Betazoid or less to slip under the radar, and I expect that at that point your powers would be weak enough that you wouldn't be of much use to Ferengi. Besides, I imagine most crooks have telepath detectors by now. Not necessarily the Ferengi themselves, but I'd imagine the Orion Syndicate would have made that a priority.

LWAXANA: Can you imagine that dreadful little creature talking to me like that? Doesn't he realise that I am a daughter of the Fifth House of Betazed. Holder of the Sacred Chalice of Rixx?
TROI: The Sacred Chalice of Rixx is an old clay pot with mold growing inside it.

The Sacred Chalice of Rixx and the Holy Rings of Betazed were destroyed in the Dominion invasion of Betazed, FYI. It's also mentioned in the novels that Lwaxana is the only one who really cares about these relics.

LWAXANA: What about a family?
TROI: This is my family. My friends here on the Enterprise.
LWAXANA: All right. In case I have to spell it out for you, I'm talking about finding a husband, having a child. That's what made me happy.

I have to side with Lwaxana on this one, at least in one way. Familial and friendly relationships are very different from each other. On the other hand, there are people who are happy without a family and others who are miserable with one.

Then again, I do wonder why Deanna keeps thinking that a family is something to get around to later. This is still the peaceful period of the Federation and she serves on a family-friendly ship. I can't help but wonder why she couldn't resign her commission, marry Will and serve as a civilian counselor. She wouldn't be a senior officer anymore, but I'm sure Picard would still call on her from time to time.

(There's a whole rant I could go off on on the necessity of a ship's counselor having senior officer status anyway, but that's for another day).

LWAXANA: You had your chance with Commander Riker. Look how you ruined that.
TROI: I did not ruin anything. We've became very good friends.
LWAXANA: Well, all the better. You certainly wouldn't want to marry an enemy.

Readers of Imzadi will know how much Lwaxana hated Riker during his posting on Betazed, but I suppose things are different now. I do wish there could've been one conversation between Lwaxana and Will about this.

LWAXANA: Darling, you have been so excitable lately. Have you ever thought of a leave of absence? I could talk to Jean-Luc.

Meaningless aside, but let me shill the website at this point. They have lots of funny stories about everything related to jobs. A common no-no is having your parents participate in your career. It would not look good on Deanna's record to have a mother-ordered leave of absence.

Then again, Deanna must have a counselling staff to handle a thousand people.

RIKER: From the smell of things, I'd say we're aboard a Ferengi vessel.

This actually isn't so weird. We know that Riker is a connoisseur of alien food. I've no doubt that tubegrubs have a distinctive smell.

Another interesting question is whether or not this is the first time Starfleet officers have been aboard a Ferengi vessel.

TROI: Why have you removed our clothing?
FAREK: Females do not deserve the honour of clothing.

Another loaded question. The Ferengi culture is still being put together at this point. They are sexist, but I do wonder about the use of the word "honor." I'd think "privilege" or "right" would fit better.

As an aside, the misogyny of the Ferengi doesn't make much sense to me. Most of the arguments for making women a lesser gender don't apply. And the amount of effort that would have to be spent maintaining second-class status for them would seem counterproductive to their main goal of earning money.

TOG: Hear me out. Your telepathic powers could bring us both great profit.

Lwaxana is already as rich as she could ever want. Plus the Rules of Acquisition clearly states that females and finances don't mix. Yeah, yeah, the ROA don't exist yet, but still...

TOG: And now, Lwaxana Troi, let us talk.
(He presses a button and a bed slides out from the wall)

Let me just say yuck. I'll skip the rant on attempted rape, coercion, prostitution, etc.
mudshark: Nate's just being...Nate.
Zeke: It comes nateurally to him.

mudshark: I don't expect Nate to make sense, really -- it's just a bad idea.

Sa'ar Chasm on the forum: Sit back, relax, and revel in the insanity.

Adam Savage: I reject your reality and substitute my own!

Hanlon's Razor: Never attribute to malice that which can be adequately explained by stupidity.

Crow T. Robot: Oh, stop pretending there's a plot. Don't cheapen yourself further.
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