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Old 06-21-2020, 04:22 PM
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Nate the Great Nate the Great is offline
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Explaining Errors In DS9, Part Three!

Why would Bashir be willing to change Quark's gender so easily?

Attempted explanation: Cosmetic surgery for a mission is hardly anything new. Plus having Brunt in charge would be bad for the Federation.

While I'm sure that the Federation is open enough that body modifications for lifestyle choices have become commonplace, I'm not sure how that would affect this situation. Bashir knows that it'll only be for a few days. Besides, from what we know of Bashir's ethics, the consequences of Brunt in charge wouldn't be a factor, only Quark's health and opinion. Would he do it anyway? I'm not sure.

The question is raised about whether Bashir would feel hesitant to accept the Karrington due to his genetic modification "cheating". I don't have a problem with this, there are no doubt numerous aliens with mental capacities equal to Bashir's and that isn't considered cheating. Plus, imagine having to come up with conversion factors for every known alien race to even the playing field (imagine the Vulcans being told that their scores have to be multiplied by 0.8 to have a fair comparison with humans!)

In "Call to Arms" several Galaxy-class vessels are seen without registry numbers.

Attempted explanation: They were assembled quickly to shore up the fleet and there might not have been time.

I call shenanigans. No matter what the screen might imply, it takes a long time to build a starship. More than enough time to paint on some numbers.

One idiot on IMDB complained that there were more Defiant-class ships in "Call to Arms" when THE Defiant was said to be a one of a kind prototype. Are you telling me that more Defiants (with design input from O'Brien) weren't on the assembly line the day after the Dominion first appeared?

Tosk got his ship fixed without paying anything.

Attempted explanation: O'Brien did it as a favor.

I think it's simpler. The Federation wants to establish relationships with the races of the Gamma Quadrant, so anybody coming through the wormhole gets free repairs until a formal agreement with their government is made.

Another idiot brings up the fact that we see Tosk's ship docked, why would a ship from the Gamma Quadrant be compatible with station airlocks? Even if you toss out the real-world reasons, there's an in-universe reason. The Progenitors/Preservers designed sentient life to have a bipedal construction within a certain size range. Of course all airlocks would be approximately the same size as well, and as long as a seal can be made, who cares what the individual doors look like?

In "Change of Heart" it's asked why Dax and Worf didn't use the cloaking suits from Insurrection.

Attempted explanation: The tech was still new, and the Dominion would be scanning for such things unlike the Ba'Ku.

Plus I imagine that cloaking suits would require regular maintenance and charging. They also looked pretty fragile, I'm not sure they could survive a jungle environment anyway.

It's asked why the Founder can't maintain her face, but can maintain her uniform. If she didn't Link with Odo, I could argue that she's (gasp!) wearing real clothes to minimize the strain, but since that isn't the case I got nothing.

In "Civil Defense" it's asked why Bashir couldn't heal Dax's burns. For once the Attempted Explanation was correct: the burns were too severe. In this instance it's not like the burns are from the outside in like phasers, it was inside and outside simultaneously: it's a forcefield! Plus Dax had to pull her hands OUT of the forcefield, inflicting more damage.
mudshark: Nate's just being...Nate.
Zeke: It comes nateurally to him.

mudshark: I don't expect Nate to make sense, really -- it's just a bad idea.

Sa'ar Chasm on the forum: Sit back, relax, and revel in the insanity.

Adam Savage: I reject your reality and substitute my own!

Hanlon's Razor: Never attribute to malice that which can be adequately explained by stupidity.

Crow T. Robot: Oh, stop pretending there's a plot. Don't cheapen yourself further.
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