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Old 07-17-2019, 11:00 PM
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Nate the Great Nate the Great is offline
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K'EHLEYR: It's not much of a programme.
WORF: Computer, level two.

Great moment. She was asking for it.

K'EHLEYR: Worf, you're the perfect Klingon. The ultimate minimalist.

Klingons are minimalists? There's a lot to extract here, too.

K'EHLEYR: Why didn't we do this six years ago?
WORF: We were not ready.
K'EHLEYR: I was.
WORF: No, we were both too young, too unaware. We lacked commitment.

Their relationship evolved from 2357-2359, when Worf was 17-19. Granted, Klingons mature at a different rate than humans, and the issue of when people should lose their virginity is another big discussion for elsewhere, but here's the important thing. Worf seems to believe that sex=marriage at this point. Did he really think so when he was a teenager?

K'EHLEYR: Wait. You can't mean--
WORF: We are mated.
K'EHLEYR: Yes, I know. I was there. But--

First, this moment is great because it marks the point when K'ehleyr looses control of her "superiority" over Worf. She was pretending to be more mature than she was to maintain control over Worf. Second, "I was there" is a great punchline.

K'EHLEYR: Worf, it was what it was. Glorious and wonderful and all that, but it doesn't mean anything.

This is an interesting statement. Does she really treat sex as something "hormonal rather than emotional" as Picard put it in "Attached"?

K'EHLEYR: I will not take the oath!
WORF: Then this night had no meaning. And that, I will not believe.

Like I said, Worf has evolved emotionally. He's a great character.

K'EHLEYR: Poor android. Whose behaviour do you find more perplexing? Human or Klingon?
DATA: At the moment, I would find it difficult to choose.
K'EHLEYR: So would I.

Nice moment.

PICARD: Could the T'Ong be disabled rather than destroyed?
LAFORGE: We could probably knock out their warp drive engines without damaging the rest of their ship.
K'EHLEYR: That would gain you nothing. Disable the ship, and K'Temoc will destroy it himself.
WORF: Klingons do not surrender.

I find it dubious that Worf wouldn't know where to fire on such an old ship to disable the self-destruct.

DATA: Sensors show life forms aboard, but I am unable to ascertain whether they are awake or dormant.

Really? Life forms in stasis must put out sensor reading sufficiently different from ordinary sleep to make it easy to determine. Furthermore, the Enterprise should be able to scan through hundred-year old shields.

LAFORGE: I think so. Those old shields weren't particularly efficient at blocking gamma ray output.

Um, Geordi? Cloaking device on means shields off. Period. Would it be so hard to say "those old ships weren't particularly efficient and suppressing gamma ray output while cloaked"?

RIKER: How did you like command?
WORF: Comfortable chair.
K'EHLEYR: And you wore it well.

She's such a good compliment for Worf, willing to be serious when she has to but silly the rest of the time.

K'EHLEYR: I hid the truth from you. Last night did have meaning. I was tempted to take the oath with you, but it scared me. I've never had such strong feelings toward anyone.
WORF: Nor have I.
K'EHLEYR: Then it was more than just a point of honour. Maybe someday, when our paths cross again, I won't be as easy to get rid of.
WORF: K'Ehleyr. I will not be complete without you.

How romantic.

The Fiver

Riker: I'm curious -- what made you choose a career as a special emissary?
K'Ehleyr: I decided I didn't have the temperament to become the chief engineer of a Federation starship.

"Plus being a diplomat is less dangerous and you get more benefits. At least that's what I thought until they stuffed me into this probe."

K'Ehleyr: Lieutenant Worf needs no introduction, Captain. He just needs to decide whether he's going to kiss me or hit me.
Worf: And in what order.

How tacky. Klingons hit then kiss. And then read love poetry. And claw at you...

Picard: What makes you think they would act in a hostile manner if they discovered humans on those planets?
K'Ehleyr: They were sent out on their original mission on the same day they learned that James Kirk had beamed eighty-thousand tribbles into their sister ship's engine room.

But Scotty said they'd be no tribble at all!

Troi: I didn't think humans and Klingons could produce children.
K'Ehleyr: Actually, the DNA is compatible.
Troi: I was talking about surviving the mating ritual.
K'Ehleyr: Well, that can be a concern.

Never did like the Worf/Troi romance, even if it gave us a nice novel in Imzadi II: Triangle.

Worf: (in Picard's chair) Drop your shields and surrender, K'Temoc!
K'Temoc: (on viewscreen) A uniformed Klingon warrior in command of a Starfleet vessel? Impossible!
Worf: Skeptical fool! The Empire and the Federation are allies in this century!
K'Temoc: How repugnant! For what price did our cowardly leaders sell their honour to these humans?
Worf: For the secret of how to prevent tribbles from reproducing!
K'Temoc: Not a bad deal.

Did they run out of genetic stock to make glommers?

K'Ehleyr: Very well. Two to beam over.
Worf: Two? Who is the other person?
K'Ehleyr: I'll introduce you to him or her when we next see each other.
Worf: Then I shall spend the time until your return in a considerable state of expectation.
K'Ehleyr: Believe me, so will I.

Dun dun dun...

Memory Alpha

* The planned Worf/Selar romance was scrapped when this episode was written. A pity, while I like K'ehleyr a longer romance with a Vulcan would've made for some interesting stories.

Nitpicker's Guide

* What was the T'Ong's secret mission anyway? If it's weapons related it wouldn't work because technology would advance while they were asleep.
* Why would Worf use a Federation time system talking to a Klingon? Don't the Klingons have their own year system probably related to an event in Kahless's lifetime?
* How can this be Worf's first command if he commanded the saucer in "Encounter at Farpoint"?
* Would the holodeck have let K'ehleyr attack Worf with a holographic weapon?
mudshark: Nate's just being...Nate.
Zeke: It comes nateurally to him.

mudshark: I don't expect Nate to make sense, really -- it's just a bad idea.

Sa'ar Chasm on the forum: Sit back, relax, and revel in the insanity.

Adam Savage: I reject your reality and substitute my own!

Hanlon's Razor: Never attribute to malice that which can be adequately explained by stupidity.

Crow T. Robot: Oh, stop pretending there's a plot. Don't cheapen yourself further.
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