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Old 02-14-2019, 08:10 PM
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Nate the Great Nate the Great is offline
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KIRK: By what? Are you happy here with Flint?
RAYNA: He is the greatest, kindest, wisest man in the galaxy.

No, he’s not. The fact that he shot first and asked questions later speaks enough to that. Hopefully the intention isn’t that Flint taught her that all humans are worse than him.

KIRK: He seemed to want us together. The billiard game. He suggested we dance.
SPOCK: It does appear to defy the male logic as I understand it.

Insert obligatory “Logic in men? Ha!” joke and “Whoever said the human race was logical” quote here.

UHURA [OC]: The planet was purchased thirty years ago by a Mister Brack, a wealthy financier and recluse.

I’ll be returning to Micah Brack later.

SPOCK: I was able to run a tricorder scan on Mister Flint. He is human, but there are certain biophysical peculiarities. Some body function readings are disproportionate. For one thing, extreme age is indicated on the order of six thousand years.

Aging is caused by cumulative damage caused by errors being introduced during the cell division process. Assuming that Flint’s condition is caused by his cells continually regenerating themselves, there wouldn’t be further errors being introduced and the only age a tricorder should be able to detect is the age at which he became immortal. I’d be more in favor of Spock noting a strange variation in the body’s EM field, indicative of the regenerating factor.

SPOCK: We must commence ryetalyn injections within two hours and eighteen minutes or the epidemic will prove fatal to us all.

Everyone isn’t exposed to a disease at the same time, and the incubation and virulent phases vary per person as well. Anything with more precision than an hour is impossible. Couldn’t Spock just say that statistically speaking someone will die in about two hours?

KIRK: Childhood must end. You love me, not Flint.

Love? It’s been less than four hours! “You’re attracted to me, not Flint” is more than adequate for the immediate purpose.

FLINT: I am Brahms.
SPOCK: And da Vinci?
SPOCK: How many other names shall we call you?
FLINT: Solomon, Alexander, Lazarus, Methuselah, Merlin, Abramson. A hundred other names you do not know.

Brahms died of liver cancer; I suppose he could fake his death.
Da Vinci died of neurological damage from recurrent strokes; again fakeable.
Solomon died of natural causes. Alexander might’ve been poisoned, again fakeable.
Lazarus we have no clue, but the idea that he was resurrected because of his inherent immortality and not the power of Christ is disturbing. Personally I think the biblical figures should’ve been left out of the list. There are many Abramsons in history, none particularly noteworthy. I hope that this is guy is supposed to have lived between now and Kirk, probably directly before Brack.

(A model Enterprise appears on a table. Kirk peers in through the viewscreen to see everyone stationary)

The viewscreen is not a window! It never was, at least for the mainline universe. At best the viewscreen sensors default to a forward-looking view and those on the bridge could see him if they weren’t frozen, but Kirk could never see inside the bridge.

KIRK: Restore them. Restore my ship!
FLINT: In time. A thousand, two thousand years. You will know the future, Captain Kirk.

This is confusing. I jolly well hope the Federation will still exist in a thousand years, and there will still be nosy tourists waiting to stomp all over this planet.

SPOCK: She loved you, Captain. And you, too, Mister Flint, as a mentor, even as a father. There was not enough time for her to adjust to the awful power and contradictions of her new-found emotions. She could not bear to hurt either of you. The joys of love made her human, and the agonies of love destroyed her.

It’s a pop culture cliché that Kirk is always talking computers to death, but it only happened four times not counting this case: Landru, M-5, Nomad, and Norman.

MCCOY: Oh, those tricorder readings on Mister Flint are finally correlated: He's dying. You see, Flint, in leaving Earth with all of its complex fields within which he was formed, sacrificed immortality. He'll live the remainder of a normal life span, then die.

The problem here is that he’s been away from Earth at least thirty years, you’d think in that time he would’ve aged enough to notice before now.

MCCOY: I do wish he could forget her.
(McCoy leaves. Spock goes over to Kirk and initiates a mind meld)
SPOCK: Forget.

I call B.S. on this. Rayna isn’t one of the great loves of Kirk’s life, she’s not even top ten. Spock never make Kirk forget his love for Edith Keeler, or Elaan, or Miramanee, or Ruth, etc.
mudshark: Nate's just being...Nate.
Zeke: It comes nateurally to him.

mudshark: I don't expect Nate to make sense, really -- it's just a bad idea.

Sa'ar Chasm on the forum: Sit back, relax, and revel in the insanity.

Adam Savage: I reject your reality and substitute my own!

Hanlon's Razor: Never attribute to malice that which can be adequately explained by stupidity.

Crow T. Robot: Oh, stop pretending there's a plot. Don't cheapen yourself further.
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