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Old 10-13-2018, 03:49 PM
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Originally Posted by Nate the Great View Post
Kirk: What about Deep Space 1?
Chekov: Isn't that a space station?

Memory Alpha has no record of a "Deep Space 1." Three, four, five, seven, and of course nine, but not one. Memory Beta says that Deep Space 1 was a starbase that was destroyed during the Tomed Incident (and only in an RPG game book), but there's no mention of an ion propulsion drive. In canon the Ares IV used an ion drive, but again, that's the future. To sum up, I don't get this joke.
I think it's just a confusion of DS1 with DS9.

Luma: In the name of Sigma Draconis 6 I will right wrongs and triumph over evil -- and that means you!

Kind of a stretch for a Sailor Moon joke, but okay.
Well, knock half an m off her name and she's a talking cat.

Kara: Back again? Do you enjoy the pain?
Kirk: Not really, but I wouldn't be the first Enterprise captain to YYYEEEEEAGH!

Zeke, I get that there's supposed to be a joke here, probably either about Archer or Pike, but I can't quite figure it out.
Definitely Archer.

Captain's Log: Dr. McCoy has used the Teacher and is now attempting to re-enbrain Spock. The danger to both is great, but he insisted. Gave me some ludicrous speech about risk being our business.

"Re-enbrain"? If you were going to insult the "Risk is our business" speech, you should've tossed in a "I'll have to remember it to throw right back at him someday."
It's not an authorial insult, it's Kirk not recognizing his own speech and thereby insulting himself unknowingly.

Kirk: (Damn.) Yes, my world has many success stories I can teach you. I think you in particular, Kara, would be a super girl to start running a coffee franchise...

Again, there's a joke here that I don't get.
Supergirl's given name is Kara. Also, the Caribou (Kara-boo) Coffee chain.

Scotty: Captain, isn't this sort of the exact opposite of the Prime Directive?
Kirk: It's superceded in this case by an even higher law taught to every captain: the Omega Glory Directive. "If the episode is bad enough, just get it over with by any means necessary."

Oh, the list we could make of episodes where this applies...
It's a very good directive.

McCoy: Wait. Wait! I can't do this!
Kirk: Sure you can! You have before, remember? The neural clone operation? Your job with the Initiative?

The neural clone thing seems to be a Farscape joke, but I don't know what that has to do with McCoy. "Initiative" eludes me.
No idea either. Isn't there a "Dharma Initiative" floating around, possibly in Lost?

Originally Posted by Nate the Great View Post
September 27th, 1968, "The Enterprise Incident"


COMMANDER: You are a superior being. Why do you not command?
SPOCK: I do not desire a ship of my own.
COMMANDER: Or is it that no one has offered you, a Vulcan, that opportunity?

Has Spock been offered a command? I get that this is part of the ruse, and he's probably lying as part of the mission, but think about it. We must also spare a moment for Charvanek's implied accusation of racism against Starfleet (cue Azetbur quote!).
I could believe that Spock was offered a chance to command the Enterprise (or another ship) when Pike suffered his accident, but turned it down because he preferred to be a science officer. There's also Charvanek's implicit racism against non-Vulcanoids to consider here.

SPOCK: An hour from now will do even better. Would it not, Commander?
COMMANDER: Yes. Yes, it will, Mister Spock. You do know I have a first name.

This doesn't make sense because the viewers don't know her last name yet!
Names are powerful things. Romulan birth names could be for only intimates to know, among a race stemming from a culture where merely touching fingers is a powerful sign of affection. Spock might respond, "Wow, on our first date? You do move fast!"
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