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Old 03-29-2018, 08:10 PM
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Nate the Great Nate the Great is offline
You just activated his Trek card
Join Date: Mar 2004
Location: Minneapolis, MN
Posts: 4,895


The Fiver

Captain's Log: We've traveled back in time somehow to solve the age-old historical question, "How did mankind survive the 60s?"

Easy: the three B's: Batman, the Beatles, and James Bond. We had to survive as a species lest these cultural icons vanish into the void.

Spock: Jim, why did you have to fall asleep in the middle of the mission drawing?
Kirk: I was tired! I had a... busy night.
Spock: (sigh) We could've been sent to figure out the mystery of the pyramids! Or the strange disappearance of the Roanoke colony!
Kirk: I'm sorry! All right?
Spock: Jeez, we didn't even get picked for "Who was buried in Grant's Tomb?"!

Or discovering that Amelia Earhart was abducted by aliens! Or that a bunch of dinosaurs built starships millions of years ago! Or the fact that the only reason the Native Americans survived is because "Sky Spirits" evolved them!

Scotty: (over the comm) You won't believe this, but somebody has activated the transporter and Gary has escaped!
Kirk: Egad! Well, it could only be one man... Spock, have Chekov put in the booth. Maximum setting.

"I know I stole those Agony Booth plans from the other universe for a reason..."

Beta-5: Agents 201 and 347 seem to have disappeared. Looks like you'll have to do their mission for them.
Gary Seven: And what mission is that?
Beta-5: Oh, just set some rocket to malfunction before it launches an hour from now.
Gary Seven: Shouldn't be too difficult as long as there aren't any distractions.
Roberta Lincoln: Hello!

You walked right into that one, Gary...

Gary Seven: Which agent are you, 201 or 347?
Roberta: I'm not agent, I'm caucagent!
Gary Seven: That's not even remotely funny.

If that's an Asian/Caucasian joke, Gary's right.

Spock: Look, Agent Seven was in possession of blueprints for McKinley Rocket Base.
Scotty: (over the comm) You mean Kennedy Space Center?
Spock: Desilu doesn't have the rights to that president yet, so they went with the guy who was assassinated before him.

Gulf and Western (through Paramount) owned TOS by now, and this was the last episode with Desilu in the credits.

Security Guard: You look suspicious. I'll have to see some ID.
Gary Seven: How's this?
Guard: (reading) Want to know how to keep an idiot busy for hours? Read the other side to find out. (flips card)
Gary Seven: If you need me, I'll be sneaking onto the launch pad.
Guard: Okay. (flips card again)

That's funny.

Gary Seven: Thank you. Now, all I have to do is set the rocket to malfunction over Asia, and then --
Roberta: What?
Gary Seven: Don't try to stop me. The rocket has already launched.
Roberta: No, seriously. I just wanted to know what you were going to say next.

Hopefully it was going to be a Princess Bride joke.

(Gary Seven causes the rocket to detonate 104 miles from the surface)
Everyone but Spock: Hooray!
Spock: Miles?

Obligatory chance for an O'Brien joke aside, it's hardly weird for TOS to use the Imperial system, so where did Spock's confusion come from?

Memory Alpha

* Only appearance of routine time travel in TOS. I wonder why Gary couldn't have been in a ship going back to the 20th century, and accidentally dragged the Enterprise with it. Then the rest of the Enterprise crew could've worried about getting home before Gary fixed it at the end with a time tow.
* The episode mentions that an important assassination will happen today. Six days after the original airdate Martin Luther King, Jr. will be killed. Ouch.
* First episode to have no scenes set in the future.
* Only appearance of Federation transporters intercepting an alien beam. Ahem.

Memory Beta

* The Aegis=Gary's alien sponsors. Their transporters have incredible range, both in space and time. They've trained operatives for many societies through time that need a little help to survive their most turbulent eras.
Here we go. A list of Gary Seven media is here, but I'll only comment on the stuff that I've actually read...

* Assignment: Eternity=A Tal Shiar agent kills Gary's 24th-century Romulan counterpart Septos and hijacks his Beta Seven computer (you need a more advanced computer to monitor an entire empire, you know) to to back in time and kill Spock at Khitomer, preventing his reunification movement and rewriting history to make the Romulan Empire dominant. Gary and Roberta must ask Captain Kirk (a TOS-era Kirk soon after Assignment: Earth, FYI) for help to prevent this. A fun book, especially when Roberta hijacks the Enterprise!

* The Eugenics Wars=Gary discovers the Chrysalis Project that created Khan's people and fails to guide Khan to a more peaceful destiny. Watch out for cameos from just about every twentieth-century character who ever appeared in Trek, from Guinan and Shannon O'Donnel to the people in The Voyage Home and Future's End. Attempts are made to hide not only the Eugenics Wars within known history but explain how the Bottany Bay was created from the advanced tech left behind in the time period by other Trek adventures.

* The John Bryne Assignment: Earth comics=Slightly less dependent on encyclopedic knowledge of Trekdom than other entries (this is a comic book, after all), there's still plenty of weirdness to be found. See Roberta as a hippie and Richard Nixon come face-to-face with a Soviet impostor!

External Assignment: Earth Site

A compilation of the scripts and series proposals.

Nitpicker's Guide

* How can Spock use the ship's records to confirm or deny Gary's intentions? Anything Gary does will appear on the records instantly, it's not like the Guardian of Forever is around to bend the laws of time.
* Why is there a typewriter that can transcribe speech? Can't the Beta Five do this sort of thing automatically?


* Spock likes to pet Isis.
* The ending including a transforming Isis and the transcribing typewriter.
mudshark: Nate's just being...Nate.
Zeke: It comes nateurally to him.

mudshark: I don't expect Nate to make sense, really -- it's just a bad idea.

Sa'ar Chasm on the forum: Sit back, relax, and revel in the insanity.

Adam Savage: I reject your reality and substitute my own!

Hanlon's Razor: Never attribute to malice that which can be adequately explained by stupidity.

Crow T. Robot: Oh, stop pretending there's a plot. Don't cheapen yourself further.

Last edited by Nate the Great; 04-04-2018 at 12:09 AM.
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