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Old 10-26-2017, 09:17 AM
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October 26th, 1987, "Where No One Has Gone Before"

Oh boy, here we go...

First of all, if this episode has to exist to justify having Wesley on the bridge, it should've been the second episode and "The Naked Now" never should've existed (at least in the presented form, and at least not in the first season)

I had a lot of boring text and references to established warp speeds, but I cut it out. It's enough to say that none of the dialogue is consistent about where the Enterprise went, how fast they went, how long it would take to get back to the Federation, how fast subspace communication is, etc.

No fiver
Memory Alpha

The Episode

PICARD: I don't understand your concern, Number One. They're not authorised to make any alterations in our engines, and according to Starfleet's report, they will simply test different ways of entering warp speed and different intermix formulas. What's the harm in that?

First of all, there is one and only one intermix formula: 1:1. Anything else means that spare matter or antimatter is going to be clogging up the warp core.

Different ways of entering warp speed; now that's a more interesting question. "Different warp field settings" would be clearer and less stupid, however.

DATA: Sir, we put Mister Kosinski's specs into the computer and ran a controlled test on them. There was no improvement in engine performance.
PICARD: Then how do you explain Starfleet's report that the same tests on the USS Ajax and on the Fearless over there, resulted in a measurable increase in propulsion.
RIKER: Our engines are new, sir. Top condition. The tests on those older ships may have simply been to straighten out some engine inefficiency.

Yes! We were told several times that the Galaxy-class was top of the line and the latest in technology when it came out. If there was an improvement to be made, Leah Brahms would've known about it. This plot really should've waited until a later season.

TRAVELLER: My actual name is unpronounceable by humans.

So choose a nickname that we can pronounce, dude! It doesn't have to make sense, declare that you want to be called Pajama Man and that's what the crew will call you!

KOSINSKI: Inform the Bridge I shall begin the first test in precisely fifteen minutes.

Don't you have a commbadge? Tell the Bridge yourself!

KOSINSKI: What do you mean, let he him try it? Don't talk about me in the third person like I'm not standing right here!

Yes, that's rude! The creators couldn't have had Kosinski spouting his technobabble and then fade to the conference room where Riker and Argyle are talking to Picard about this?

PICARD: Reverse engines.
DATA: Captain, no one has ever reversed engines at this velocity.
PICARD: Because no one has gone this fast. Reverse engines.

Is simply "turn off the warp coils" not an option?

PICARD: This can't be. You've been
MAMAN: Dead? But I'm always with you, you know that.
PICARD: Yes, I've felt that.

Okay, let's take a break from the nitpicking to remark on how touching this scene is.

Captain's log, supplemental. Our position is unknown...

So you made up that 50 billion light-year figure mentioned earlier? Just sticking with "unknown" and not "Galaxy M33" or "Triangulum" (which is 3 million light-years away and not 50 billion, FYI)? Was the editor asleep on the job this week?

PICARD: Then what is the purpose of your journey?
TRAVELLER: Curiosity.
PICARD: That's not an answer.

Um, Captain? "Curiosity" is a major factor in why you're out here, right? To seek out new life and new civilizations, remember? I call it a perfectly valid answer, even if it could've been worded better.

PICARD: Any commissioned rank? Even ensign?
RIKER: That would give him authorised access to the Bridge.

Let's put aside the known noncoms with access to the bridge (O'Brien and so forth), the lowest commissioned rank is not Ensign, it's Cadet or Midshipman.

Memory Alpha

* The article claims that the script is based on the TOS novel The Wounded Sky. Yeah, no. Beyond the "accidentally sent to a distant galaxy" premise there is no similarity. I've read the book, and I own it. Maybe Diane Duane used his novel as a foundation, but the stories go in completely different directions.
* First episode filmed with the Engineering pool table, although "The Last Outpost" aired first.


* Picard chats with MarMar.
* Wesley thinks that time, space, and thought are connected, a dangerous idea.

Nitpickers Guide

* Phil wonders if the cycling speed of the warp core has anything to do with velocity, as there doesn't seem to be any consistency. I'm actually willing to cut them some slack with this one. Perhaps as the Traveller concentrates more he doesn't need the power of the ship itself as much, and if he gets distracted or is in pain he draws upon the ship more. To paraphrase Rule of Acquisition #76, "
Every once in a while, declare peace. It confuses the heck out of your enemies."

mudshark: Nate's just being...Nate.
Zeke: It comes nateurally to him.

mudshark: I don't expect Nate to make sense, really -- it's just a bad idea.

Sa'ar Chasm on the forum: Sit back, relax, and revel in the insanity.

Adam Savage: I reject your reality and substitute my own!

Hanlon's Razor: Never attribute to malice that which can be adequately explained by stupidity.

Crow T. Robot: Oh, stop pretending there's a plot. Don't cheapen yourself further.
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