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Old 07-09-2010, 02:51 AM
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Originally Posted by evay View Post
The late Star Trek: The Magazine actually used to do filler articles on the percentage of episodes where various stereotypical events happened, like Kirk getting his shirt ripped, Voyager losing a shuttlecraft, Kirk getting the girl, etc. That's charts/statistics.
I bought that magazine every month for that feature alone. Two pages. It cost, like, $8.00. And I was in middle school, and it was in 2002 dollars, so that was real money back then.

Anyhow, for the questions:

(1) I was drawn to this site by 5M Enterprise. I have always maintained that 5ME is the funniest feature here -- possibly because it has benefited from being written by only one person through all its iterations -- and I long to see it ended.

Also, I suddenly recall purchasing a hard copy of 5M "Zero Hour" years ago (it cost $5.00), but never receiving a copy. The details are sketchy, though. Did we for some reason run a "buy a fiver" promotion? Or was that a dream? I'm leaning toward dream, because that's a very weird memory.


More Who is good, though Who is a harder series to parody than Trek, I think, because nuWho, at least, already takes itself so unseriously. I think I would prefer to see more nuBSG, which, while a very entertaining show, was so amazingly full of itself that you could make an entire nuBSG fiver based on booger jokes and it's still be hilarious satire.

(2) New shows? Oi... now I have to admit to how little stuff I'm watching these days.

Remember those VVS8 parodies? Those were a lot of fun, and they also got me reading VVS8, which I never would have done in a million years otherwise. I would like to see a rebirth of the "fanfic" parodies. Lord knows there's a lot of pretty decent fan Trek out there to mock -- Phase II has done some really good work, Intrepid is fun. The audio series produce a lot more material, which makes them eminently parodyable. I'm thinking mainly of Outpost ( here, but I'd be greatly honored if someone fived my show, Excelsior (

Fringe looked fiveable, but I didn't have the time to keep up with it.

I suspect that the most important thing, Zeke, is that you find something you really, really love watching, and then five that. This website's a hobby for you, after all, and we're not your customers and we're not paying you (except in my $5 "Zero Hour" dream). If fiving is something you do to unwind, not an onerous responsibility, that means you'll have more fun and we'll get more and better fivers as a result.

Of course, you've probably already thought about that, so I'll stop preaching now.

(3) I would love to see Stargate: Atlantis thoroughly fived, but by someone much funnier than I. My SG:A fivers suck. But it's a great show, very fun, but filled with ridiculous events, characters who struggle with dimension, and convoluted turns of plot. The perfect fiver storm.

Death Note could make great fiving. Azumanga Daioh, however, would not. Indeed, AD quite literally fives itself, doesn't it?

My other favorite show right now is Life on Mars (UK), which I'm watching on DVD. If you know it, you see the potential. If you dont know it, go do yourself a favor and watch it. It's time well-spent. (Disclaimer: people complain about the ending, but I'm at the end of season one and spoiler-free, so I don't know yet what they're all on about.)

(Conclusion) ...but, if all that comes of this survey is thirty or forty DW fivers in the next couple of years, I will be a very happy young man.
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