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Old 03-04-2010, 10:48 PM
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Wowbagger Wowbagger is offline
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Originally Posted by Nate the Great View Post
Trek 11 is canon, but a different universe. One that I don't particularly care for. If they're going to cover their butts and say that all the old stuff is still canon, I'm going to take them at their word and treat all the old stuff as canon.
Oh. Well, then. I don't object to that. In fact, though not to the same degree, I believe I agree.

And by the by, even if people get confused and think that Nero is an "evil Vulcan", does that undermine any part of the plot, particularly? How much time does 11 spend on the Vulcan culture itself, particularly?
And that... is actually a pretty good point. Anyone who knows anything about Star Trek will be able to tell the difference between Vulcans and Romulans, and anyone who doesn't know enough about Star Trek to know that isn't going to know enough about Vulcans to see a problem there. And, even if they did, they could always just chalk it up to this movie's outrageously bad plotting.

Vulcan's aren't allowed to be evil? Does nobody remember T'Pring?
Or Stonn? Or V'Las? Or Tolaris? Or Valeris? Another valid point -- though I'm not sure it's all that relevant to the thought process Abrams & Co. had.

Hunh. And here I'd resigned myself to permanently disagreeing with you.
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Last edited by Wowbagger; 03-04-2010 at 10:56 PM.
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