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Old 01-30-2007, 06:15 PM
GreenFire1 GreenFire1 is offline
Mirai heto Navi wo tore!
Join Date: Sep 2006
Posts: 32
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Um, self-aware robots? I thought this topic was about Asenion robots (viz. those that follow Asimov's laws). The biggest thing about Asimov robots is that they're objects. You can use them stupidly or evilly, or you can use them for productivity or comfort. An Asenion robot makes no decisions for itself - every single action is not only based on an order (or law), but can be mathematically predicted based on the situation and the nature of its active orders.

I've actually considered the value of another system of robot safety (a robot doesn't have morals, any more than a knife does) based on "standing orders." I'm not quite sure where I got the idea, but it's basically this - the robot's only intrinsic motivation is to follow orders. Now here's the neat part. Every robot is programmed to recognize all humans as having given a set of default orders, stuff like "don't harm me," "don't harm my property," et cetera. That's the basic idea of it. Anyone have their own ideas for robot security?
Currently in the works - Five Minute EXE Axess (indefinitely on hold for no reason), a bunch of random stories, Five Minute Starforce?
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