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Old 10-24-2006, 11:03 PM
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Burt Burt is offline
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You know it's too dark when the viewers start topping themselves. To be honest I found B5 kinda dark. I sort of like it, butsort of not. I like being in the Trek universe. It's so dam happy, and warm and fuzzy. But sometimes it is nice to take a dip in the darkside. More so when the effects are that good.

BTW what is that ship on your logo Chancellor? It looks like....The one from Event Horizen...or the one from Starship troopers...
Fate: Protects fools, little children and ships named Enterprise...
Fate: Also beats the merry hell out of the Battlestar Galactica.
House Quote of the Day!
"I was curious. But since I'm not a cat, that's not dangerous to me." Dr House MD
I don't think that metaphor was actually designed to warn cats.
Dr Wilson MD (Just)
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