Thread: New New Who
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Old 04-29-2006, 09:02 PM
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Burt Burt is offline
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Totally agree that everyone has their own opinion etc, thats cool, but I'm guessing Chancellor, you've not seen many other Doctor Who's....? Lots of running! I think the whole 'Running up and down endless corridors' was made by Doctor Who. They even make a kinda joke of it, in the Comic Relief Doctor Who, 'Curse of the Fatal Death'
Plus, I think a lot of people are expecting the new Doctor Who to be something it's not.
If you want hidden plots and super clever storylines? Go watch Lost.
You want sex? Battlestar is your Guy.
Stupid storylines, with silly endings and dodgy props? Ding! You've reached Doctor Who!!
Sidebar: I loved the newest episode with Sarah-Jane-Smith! And If K-9 isn't the greatest I don't know what is!!
And Cybermen, in TWO weeks time.
I no longer need a life.
Only joking.
Fate: Protects fools, little children and ships named Enterprise...
Fate: Also beats the merry hell out of the Battlestar Galactica.
House Quote of the Day!
"I was curious. But since I'm not a cat, that's not dangerous to me." Dr House MD
I don't think that metaphor was actually designed to warn cats.
Dr Wilson MD (Just)
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