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Old 06-18-2003, 02:20 PM
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[color=#000000ost_uid0]This says it all really. If there's one thing Bush is big on (apart from war) it's hypocrisy.

[quoteost_uid0]Hmmm, let's see, who would be speaking german now if the U.S. hadn't interveined?

Hmmm, let's see, who planted trees all along their roads because the Nazis were feeling hot marching in the sun?

Hmmm, let's see, who surrendered?[/quoteost_uid0]

Yes, I seem to remember though that it took a [iost_uid0]direct attack[/iost_uid0] on American soil by the Japanese before the US deigned to enter the fray. Never mind the fact that an evil fascist dictatorship was intent on taking over the the whole of Europe and Russia. How much quicker would the war have been over if the US had joined in two years earlier? How many less lives would have been lost? How many less Jews would have been murdered? As it was Britain came perrilously close to losing. I guess in a perverted way we can thank the then Japanese govenrment for bringing the US in at all.

And of course, lets not forget that the US remains the ONLY nation in the world to date that has dropped nuclear weapons in war time. On two heavily populated cities no less, where the effects of the radiation are still being felt today.

And now we come to the French - America's next military target if the Republicans get their way. Let's skip the history and the fact that their army wasn't really any match for the Axis forces in the first place. Let's skip the fact that there were collaberators as there were in every other country that had been invaded. This [iost_uid0]really[/iost_uid0] is all about the U.N. not rolling over and doing what the US wanted it to, though of course it was in fact Tony Blair who persuaded Dubya to take that route - George's first choice was to bypass them completely. Something that he seemed to forget once the lambasting of the French began. Yes, the French's position that they were going to say no to any Resoloution is on the face of it unreasonable, but not when you consider the fact that they rightly saw that the US was going to declare war on Iraq no matter what, in which case I feel that they should stand up and take a bow for refusing to let the U.N. be [iost_uid0]used[/iost_uid0] in such a manner.

[quoteost_uid0]1. The hanging chad /"I meant to vote for Gore!" stuff.[/quoteost_uid0]

Frankly, it's about time the whole freakin' US electoral system was changed. It's anything BUT democratic when a nation gets a president that the majority of the voters didn't actualy vote for.

[quoteost_uid0]2. The supreme court stuff[/quoteost_uid0]

American courts are far too politisized - especially the higher courts. Leave politics to the polititians!

[quoteost_uid0]And no offence Canada, but we can choose our own doctors, and the doctors aren't paid for by the government. We can switch healthcare plans. You call socialization freedom?[/quoteost_uid0]

Yes. The freedom not to die of a perfectly treatable disease or illness just because you can't afford to pay for treatment of it. People get all fired up about the Third World and drugs companies, and rightly so, but in some ways the US healthcare system is just as bad.

[quoteost_uid0]I totally agree on this. Just because 9/11 happened doesn't mean that everything in America's interest is automatically everything in the world's best interests![/quoteost_uid0]

If only someone would tell Mr. Bush that. Because the sycophants and yes-men he's surrounded by don't seem to be able to.

[quoteost_uid0]Or maybe I'll start supporting everything from Sierra Leone, because they have to face terror much greater than Americans every single day. They have to see it. They have to live it. Does Bush care about them? Nope. He isnt about anti-terror, he's pro-making-rich-Americans-rich. He's abused 9/11 and its victims for his own purposes.[/quoteost_uid0]

I had a teacher from Sierra Leone back when I lived on the Scottish mainland. Great guy. It makes you think - if Bush is so all-fired up about bringing democracy to those that don't have it, what about places like this? I mean, has Dubya even [iost_uid0]heard[/iost_uid0] of Africa? Of course not. And what about Burma? They've been in the news for the past few days for yet more flagrant and very public human rights voilations. Have the US govenrnment said anything? Nope. Of course they DID mention Iran - widely bandied about as a possible target for more military action, something not very strenuously denied by the administration - and all those demonstrations and denoucments of the ruling Islamic dictators by varoius people. What did we get? A "We support democracy" message from the US. I guess they're a bit miffed that they might not be able to invade after all.

Oil. Those three little letters that have so much impact. Anyone that says oil has nothing to do with the Iraq war is either a fool or one o'them Republicans with interests in Big Oil. I'm sure that oil also had something to do with the French, Russian and Chinese denoucments of any war way back before it started. And I'm sure that it has to do plenty with the US's relationship with the sometimes less than savoury govenrments of countries like Saudi Arabia.

Me? Get carried away? I don't know what you're talking about.[/colorost_uid0]

Mason: Luckily we at the Agency use use a high-tech piece of software that will let us spot him instantly via high-res satellite images.
Sergeant: You can? That's amazing!
Mason: Yes. We call it 'Google Earth'.
- Five Minute 24 S1 (it lives, honest!)

"Everybody loves pie!"
- Spongebob Squarepants
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