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Old 10-05-2005, 04:22 PM
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mudshark mudshark is offline
Is he ever gonna hit Krazy Kat, or what?
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Originally Posted by ijdgaf
1) That thesis statement retort he gave. While elegant and, uh... lengthy, it's way too pretentious and overdrawn for me to take seriously. I think a five sentence paragraph probably could have done the trick there.
Brevity has never been Harlan's style. He's always been one to address a subject thoroughly.

2) Neither Gabe, Tycho, or Harlan were trying to be intentionally mean in the scenario. Tycho was a bystander, Gabe was simply trying to make a taunting quip (not trying to engage in a real verbal smackdown), and Harlan was (allegedly) just joking around with a member of the audience. Did Harlan storm off stage? Maybe, maybe not. But I trust Gabe and Tycho enough where even if they did misunderstand his previous "insult", they didn't flat out lie. In the end, Harlan took offense, and G & T saw him as an ass. Since heresay over the past several decades or so seems to confirm that Mr. Ellison is indeed an ass, I say... what difference does it make anyway?
No, no one was being mean, not at the con, anyway. Gabe's post at Penny Arcade made a much bigger thing of it than it really was. As a result, however, a few of Penny Arcade's fans went way off-track, one going so far as to make an unkind remark about Harlan's wife. Poor form, that.

As for Harlan being an ass, he's made a career of it, and done rather well at it. What he does, though, before getting off on a rant, is make damned sure he knows what he's talking about, something "Gabe" seems not to have learned yet.

3) I didn't see Gabe as approving of the hacking attempts. He was surprised and awed by how loyal PA fans can be, but he was very clear about how misguided the attacks on his webmaster were. Yeah, he probably should've phrased it better. But he doesn't quite have the gift of word that Tycho has.
Well, yes and no. There was the bit where he remarked that he was trying not to laugh about the trolling.
Methinks Ted Sturgeon was too kind.

'Yes, but I think some people should be offended.'
-- John Cleese (on whether he thought some might be offended by Monty Python)
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