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Old 09-24-2005, 09:41 AM
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Originally Posted by Zeke
I like a lot of sf authors, but my favourite has got to be Ray Bradbury. He was one of the first, and he's still one of the best. Go to your local used bookstore and pick up one of his short story anthologies -- you won't regret it.

Other authors I like, going for ones who haven't been mentioned so far: (snip)Agatha Christie, John Wyndham, Timothy Zahn, K. A. Applegate (Animorphs is the most underestimated sf series ever), Stephen Leacock, Robertson Davies, Charles Dickens, Thomas Hardy (the original soap opera writer), Neil Gaiman, Beverly Cleary, Jules Verne, L. Frank Baum, Donald J. Sobol (I loved Encyclopedia Brown when I was a kid), and Shakespeare, who really IS as good as he's made out to be.
Well, I'm an Agatha Christie reader. I love her mysteries-they're all well-written, better than fluff or light summer reading, but still casual enough to be fun to read anytime, anywhere. She also wrote some romance novels that are actually good, and not trashy, under the name Mary Westmacott.

I have to say that a great experiences is to read Shakespeare while applying it to an actual stage show.

Jane Austin really is a wonderful writer. If you can get through the first shock of reading very proper English, you'll have a dandy time.

For anyone interested in China, politics, world cultures, or journalism, should read Jan Wong's "Red China Blues" and "Jan Wong's China".

And of course, if one is a really sappy mood, they can always read Anne of Green Gables and the rest of the series. Wonderfully written, sweet, and nostolgic.

Erm...does anyone remember having to read a book in elementary or junour high about a boy and a girl who befriend each other. The girl is kind of a tomboy, and they create their own world in the woods behind their homes, and I remember there is a swing to get over a small stream to get to their "fort".
George Orwell gives meaning to TopHatMan\'s life.
Opium, Princess Heroine of Laudanum...Part of The Morphine Party: The Party For Not... Crushing... Me? :shock:
Opium. Don\'t take drugs, just read them.
Please vote Morphine! (Thanks, Zeke!)
Needing more sleep since before 2003
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