Thread: September 19
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Old 09-20-2005, 02:36 AM
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Sa'ar Chasm Sa'ar Chasm is offline
Our last, best hope for peace
Join Date: Mar 2003
Location: Sitting (in Ottawa)
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Archer: Score one for us -- I think we've just discovered the first dark matter nebula known to human or Vulcan science.
T'Pol: Your smugness may be premature. The nebula might be composed of an entirely different substance.
Archer: Then we'll have to find a way to confirm that it's made of the right stuff. Trip, can you load a few warheads with something that will excite the dark matter atoms?
Tucker: No problem. About thirty kilos of decon gel should do the job nicely.
Why do I get the feeling this has more scientific credibility than whatever technobabble they came up with in the episode?

Archer: It doesn't count for anything to go second. Just look at Buzz Aldrin -- nobody remembers what he said when he stepped on the Moon.
Ruby: Buzz who?

Technician: It's too late! Long-range sensors show there's nothing left of the prototype but a cloud of debris!
Vulcan: Perhaps we should call it the Robinson Nebula.
Archer: When I told you guys to get a sense of humour, I didn't mean the gallows variety!
Hah! I like that guy already.

Archer: Pilot error!
A. G.: Engine flaw!
Archer: Pilot error!
A. G.: Engine flaw!
Duck season!

A. G.: Remember that I lost it when the needle reached two point two!
Archer: Then it's time to try Trip's idea! (flips a switch) There -- I've disconnected the speed indicator!
A. G.: I'll be damned... it worked!

Tucker: I don't see how she could have made a giant cloud of dark matter turn bright crimson.

Klaatu: We come in peace!
Soldier's Handgun: (BANG!)
Klaatu: URK!
Soldier: And you can rest in the same way, you th-th-thing from another world you!
I assume the soldier was eager and young, but was he a space cadet?

Klaatu: Don't you have a body called the "United Federation of Countries"?
Harley: It's "Nations," not "Countries," and it's not a federation.
Klaatu: What about the "United" part?
Harley: Just attend one of their meetings and you'll see.
*znerk* Delightfully cynical.

Mr. Barley: Well it's nonsense if you ask me! I'm sure this guy is from Venus, not Mars! Right, Mrs. Benson?
Helen Benson: I don't quite know. If he was a she, I might agree with you.
Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus, for those of you who missed that one.

Professor Barnhardt: We could arrange an international conference of intellectuals. I suggest that we invite the planet's finest minds in the most prestigious disciplines -- mathematicians, microbiologists, computer programmers, chemists, librarians....
Klaatu: Librarians?
Barnhardt: Preferably cataloguers.
*snicker* Someone has to impose order on the chaos.

Klaatu: The world has to realize the importance of my message. I'd like to arrange a little demonstration a day before the conference.
Barnhardt: All right... just as long as you don't destroy anything.
Klaatu: I promise. And I assure you that no intelligent life will be harmed.
Barnhardt: You mustn't take action against any politicians either.
Klaatu: Oh. Then this could be more difficult than I'd anticipated.
ROFL! Missed this the first time through. That's what I get for reading at the lab instead of working.

Klaatu: Klaatu calling Headquarters. I request use of the Eludium Pew-36 Modulating Space Spammer tomorrow at noon.
We're obstructing his wireless signal from Venus?

Colonel: Sir, if communications and travel are completely shut down, how do we know it's happened all over the world and not just here in Washington?
Cutler: Standard military operating procedure, Colonel. "When electronic communications are cut off, critical information shall be relayed through the use of foot messengers."
We won-GAK!

Resuscitation Machine: BZZZZZ!
Klaatu: Hmm. I feel much better.
Helen: That's impossible. You're as dead as a Norwegian parrot!
Klaatu: Actually, I'm not quite dead.
Helen: Yes you are.
Klaatu: I think I'll go for a little walk.
Helen: You're not fooling anyone, you know.
References from that movie never get old. I approve.

Imray tari narawak axo degus
Marc, I demand you come back and explain that to me.

Being expected to do anything useful with four fewer warp factors and about eighty billion fewer megajoules in firepower than he's used to
Not like he used the firepower much, though.

The embarrassment of discovering that 22nd-century transporters are less accident-prone than 24th-century ones

Happy trails, Marc. Y'all come back now, y'heah? Don't be a stranger (and other cliches).
The first run through of any experimental procedure is to identify any potential errors by making them.
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