Thread: September 8
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Old 09-10-2005, 06:32 PM
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Sa'ar Chasm Sa'ar Chasm is offline
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The Life Of A Starfleet Security Officer (abridged edition) by Tasha Yar
Ouch. *g*

Now You Can Read My Feelings For A Change by Deanna Troi
Must maintain decorum...resist urge to make dirty comment...

The Woman Inside The Doctor Behind The Hypospray by Beverly Crusher
No wonder she always seems so removed.

Picard: We've arrived, Number One. Get an away team down there.
Riker: Aye, sir. Everybody whose name doesn't rhyme with "beta," you're with me.
Data: May I employ Dr. Pulaski's preferred pronunciation in this --
Riker: Sit down, dead android walking.

Geordi: Anyway, the point is we can't see these aliens without a phase discriminator. And none of the ones on the ship are sensitive enough....
Data: (over the comm) You are mistaken, Geordi. The one in my positronic net would suffice.
Riker: Whoa. I mean, just -- whoa. Could we even have made up a sillier reason for Data to have to beam down?
May the script be with you. Or against you, in this case.

Bellboy: Oh, certain items, eh? You betcha. We're verrrrry accomodatin' here.
Data: Your left eye appears to be oscillating. Is this normal?
The best jokes are the ones where the characters are completely in character (redundantly). Nice job.

Bellboy: OOF! Here's... your... anvil....
Data: Thank you. (lifts it easily)
Bellboy: Heyyy, that's impossible! I know what your real secret is now! The pale skin, the strength, the lack of a need for food... you're a vampire!
Data: -- Yes. I am known as Spiner, due to my fondness for impaling victims with porcupine spines.
Bellboy: That is so cool.

Paperboy: Wuxtry, wuxtry! Read all about it!
You and your wuxtry.

Samuel Clemens: And in conclusion, them uppity geocentrists need a hefty dose of secular cynicism.
Guinan: Well argued, Mr. Clemens. Someday you should try your hand against an opponent who's actually in the room.
Clemens: I have tried, Madam Goldberg, but such opponents tend to insist on getting a word in.
See previous character character comment. Also, the Goldberg was a nice touch.

Isn't sarcasm part of the Klingon Religion?
Delusions of grandeur aside, I'm pretty sure I'm not worshipped on Q'on-oh, small s, my apologies.

There is a Klingon ritual that translates as the Sarcasm Before Death, which Worf mentions in Five Minute Best Of Both Worlds.

tsk, tsk. Quoting Inspector Gadget.
I was actually getting Voltron vibes off that, or possibly some other Japanese-inspired cartoon about giant robots.

Good stuff, all.
The first run through of any experimental procedure is to identify any potential errors by making them.
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