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Old 07-16-2005, 05:30 PM
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Originally Posted by Nan
Indeed. Ever notice "Whovian" kinda sounds like an owl enthusiast?
I always thought it sounded like a lover of vacuum cleaners.

Now you know I'm an Anglophile. Does anyone still call them hoovers in the UK? Actually I love the verb, hoover, even more. I think it stuck in my head from reading the sccripts to Monty Python and encountering Mrs. Beethoven "hoovering loudly" while Beethoven is trying to compose. There's just no way to say that in American English.

Whovian is a controversial term. Some people hate it, think it's condescending (like the Trekkie/Trekker thing). Even worse is super-nerd stuff like Gallifreyan. I don't get the big deal, but then I very seldom use "Whovian." The problem is that the neutral tern, "Doctor Who fan" ("DW fan"), is blandly prosaic by comparison. Probably Whovian would serve a useful role if it were generally adopted.

I see you left out the post from the guy who was so disappointed to have gotten his hopes up for nothing more impressive than text.
Heheh. Yeah, I copied the whole "Parting of the Ways" thread and then went back and stuck on the positive comment from the other thread, completely ignoring the dork you mentioned. I mean, yeah, the flash bunny stuff is hilarious, but to expect it when you visit any parody site and then be disappointed is just deluded.
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