Thread: June 27
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Old 06-28-2005, 03:53 PM
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Sa'ar Chasm Sa'ar Chasm is offline
Our last, best hope for peace
Join Date: Mar 2003
Location: Sitting (in Ottawa)
Posts: 3,425

Happy birthday, 3rd of 4.

Martok: He breaks the fourth wall as you do, Worf! I conclude that the two of you are related.
Worf: Not so! I swear in the name of The Reader that -- aw, crud.

Worf: I can't help the weakling. He was cursed with brains, not muscle.
Alexander: (from the bridge) Ahhh! Rogue battle simulation! Save me!
Martok: Apparently he was cursed with neither.
Worf: Shut up.

Worf: This weapon is called a kar'takin. You'll notice the Jem'Hadar use the same random apostrophes in their weapon names as we do. The mark of a true warrior.
You may be on to something here, IJD.

Worf: Sure, kid. I'll even teach you to be a real warrior.
Alexander: Really?
He hasn't succeeded so far.

Bashir: The whole station lives or dies on his ability to distinguish a pre-ganglionic fiber from a post-ganglionic nerve
We're doomed...

I'm not going to say your fiver is bad, but I'm sure as hell going to imply it.
Wow, you really ripped yourself a new one. There's no harsher critic than yourself. (see also: Movements of Fire and Shadow *twitch*)

Great job, all.
The first run through of any experimental procedure is to identify any potential errors by making them.
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