Thread: June 12
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Old 06-18-2005, 04:32 PM
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Noodles And Hot Tofu! MMM
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Steven: What about that hairy, one-eyed humanoid with the early-Beatles mop-top?
Dodo: Well, maybe they caught a Sasquatch.
Steven: With one eye?
Dodo: Okay, a pirate Sasquatch.

designated Narrow-Minded Authority Moron for this story
Doncha hate those?

Steven: Why has this never come up before? I mean, even if you're an alien, we're human and we're crawling with germs. Why have we never wiped out whole civilizations before now?
Doctor: Actually we do, every week. I just don't stick around to watch.
Steven: You're sick.
Doctor: No, Dodo's sick. I'm just morally reprehensible.
Steven: (sigh) I wonder if it's too late to go into real estate.

Doctor: I see you've also been cured of your cockney accent.
Dodo: Yes, although what the weather in Spain has to do with anything --

Steven: Security! Are you kidding? If a bunch of Boy Scouts wanted to set me on fire just to toast marshmallows, the Doctor would lend them the matches. And the marshmallows.

Doctor: Ah, but only if I had changed my form, would I now not be able to wear the ring. So my not being able to wear the Doctor's ring proves that I am the Doctor. QED!
Ben: That's the most convoluted rubbish I've ever heard. Maybe you really are the Doctor.

Polly: Now we'll get some clues about what the new Doctor's personality will be. What do you think, Ben? Cautious and dignified, or reckless and irreverent?
Doctor: We've just landed in a poisonous swamp full of hissing pools of toxic mercury.
Ben: And?
Doctor: Sounds like fun! Who's up for a swim?
Ben: I'm guessing it's not the "cautious and dignified" one.

Lesterson: What are you doing?
Doctor: Well, I'm certainly not trying to force this Dalek to eat a banana.

Ben: These Daleks getting the run of the place creeps me out. There's one around every-- GAH!
Doctor: No thank you. Keep walking, Ben. The important thing to remember is --
Another Dalek: CRAB PUFF?
Doctor: No, thanks! -- is that even though they're pretending to be nice, they're really --
Doctor: Go away! -- really evil killing machines who want to --
Fourth Dalek: MINT?
Doctor: For the fourth time, no! Wait -- fourth time? Weren't there only three before? Ben?
Ben: Mmm, this chicken satay is delicious.

Brigadier: Nonsense. Everyone knows you only live twice.
Heheheh, I see what the theme is going to be

Brilliant work with that one!
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“There must have been a point in early human history when it was actually advantageous to, when confronted with a difficult task, drop it altogether and go do something more fun, because I do that way too often for it to be anything but instinct.” -- Isto Combs
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