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Old 05-18-2005, 10:34 PM
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Wowbagger Wowbagger is offline
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I'm with Celeste there. Really, my only two gripes with this episode aren't problems, just things I though could have been done even better.

1) Move the T/T scene to right before Archer's speech. Always end with something of an upper if possible. Also, the speech was more about Trek than final T/T scene was, and finales should end with more series-encompassing things.

2) The T/T scene... I thought it was perfectly fine that Elizabeth died (even a dramatic necessity) but let's at least USE the openings that gives us! Rather than just crying for a few minutes, I think that the mourning scene would have been perfect if, through the sobbing, Trip had managed to get out the words, "T'Pol... will you... *sob* marry me?"

Slam. Bang. Series ends.
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