Thread: November 23
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Old 12-13-2004, 03:35 AM
Anonymous Anonymous is offline
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Posts: 327


Seven was what I liked the least about Voyager

*cough cough Nelix*

Maby the reason Seven was more popular was because she was an interesting character internet porn was plenty common at the time. I liked Seven she was cool she had really interesting developement. T'pol on the other hand has become an atempt to reuse an old consept. The sexy emotionless chick only works once then its just a rip off.

I'd also like to mention that towards the end of her time on voyager Kes wore an outfit not so different from Seven or Tpol's.
Internet porn may have been common, but access to it in the home wasn't quite so common yet. I myself didn't have a home computer until Voyager's seventh season and I know plenty of people who were just getting one when Enterprise came out.

Interesting character development - okay, some of it was interesting (but some of it was also laughable at times, both scientifically and plot-wise). But no matter how much character development you try to pile on the eye candy, that's all it is really when the character is a babe in a catsuit. Think about it. They (including Jeri Ryan herself) always talked like the character development made up for the blatant sexploitation, but the character development also results in more screentime with the babe in a catsuit and heels. What a coincidence. And yes, Kes did wear a similar outfit towards the end. And she was gone as soon as they got another attractive woman (with bigger breasts) to wear revealing clothes for them. And you're right, it is reusing a concept either way, so it's even a cheaper tactic than ever.

Ok, so delousing wasn't the correct term. I'm sure you can figure out what I mean. Either a chemical cleansing spray/mist or a soap to use in the shower would work, not people in their underwear spreading gel on each other. But they can't show enough using the latter technique, so they came up with that. It' still silly and very obvious.

What's sad is that they just don't get it. It's the obvious and frankly sleazy sexploitation that is Enterprise's biggest weakness, not it's strength. They've used it so much that lots pf people think that's all there is to the show. And with rather weak storylines, plot holes and loose ends floating around eveyrwhere, how far from wrong are they? Like I said, they lost me with Rajiin. If they'd done a f/f scene with some class, I'd have been praising them, but that was tasteless. It's not like they can't do f/f now, they did it for years on Buffy. The execs think they can get more ratings with this stuff, but it's working the other way around now. People don't need tv shows for that anymore. They want good stories again and the execs are delivering more eye candy instead.
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