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Old 12-04-2004, 05:07 AM
AKAArzosah's Avatar
AKAArzosah AKAArzosah is offline
Last guardian of a fallen... wtf?
Join Date: May 2003
Location: Andromatlantis, in the Tri-Pegasus Galaxy. (Wait, what?)
Posts: 907
Default Re: a last game from me......Chinese Whispers

"Banner reinforcers: We're going trap!"

NB: Apparently I'm an irritating, egocentric spamming pr!ck, so this will most likely be my last post. I will continue to read the forums bcos they're a laugh, but other than that and PMs, goodbye. I'd just like to say that I hate you all, and hope you have a miserable christmas, and a horrific new year, and end up commiting suicide at the thought of another year of your life :wink: . Goodbye.
What brought that on? Are you really leaving?[/quote]
Way in the future on the Starship Enterprise, everybody was sleeping because of Jigglypuff.