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Old 05-22-2003, 04:31 AM
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Noodles And Hot Tofu! MMM
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[color=#000000ost_uid0]Yay! I finally saw an episode! I liked this one.

On a non-spoiler note, I think TAG or whoever it is who plays The Mayweather Game is going to take off a few points for this one...

On to the [bost_uid0]spoilers[/bost_uid0]:

[color=#CCCCCCost_uid0]I had no problem with Enterprise looping around like the Enterprise did in TWOK. Several reasons: 1. They should have been doing some actual evasive maneuvers anyway; 2. It’s a fairly simple, straightforward maneuver, though it admittedly requires some luck, confidence, and skill; 3. It’s definitely very preferable to some dreaded “technobabble” solution, which they shouldn’t be coming up with at this point in their technological development. To be honest, I had been expecting them to magically manage to program a torpedo in fifteen seconds to shoot past the Klingon ship, reverse course, and smack the BoP in the rear.

However, the ship struck me as being rather free-spending as far as the torps were concerned. If you get blown up before you make it to the Expanse, it won’t matter how many torpedoes you have onboard. Still, I think they could have been a bit more chary with the things, especially there at the end (did they really need to fire a third torpedo? Granted, it made for a nifty explosion, but still… )

I liked the pan of T’Pol’s face as Phlox was asking her whether she wanted to stay on the ship. A basic shot, but I thought they pulled it off well.

Mayweather is definitely NOT Sulu.

They could have done more with Mayweather with his “big scene”. Had him show more tension, then relief, etc.

Actually, they could have done more with the emotional reactions of the crew whenever the casualties were mentioned. Either go the route of horror, or blank stares.

Archer was working himself up there with the Suliban and Future Guy. I’ve seen complaints that Bakula isn’t a very good actor, and he seemed rather tepid at times. But I found his anger when he was making accusations believable. Also, his body language when he was trying to get T’Pol to talk about her imminent return to Vulcan (which I was sure almost from the start would never happen), there was something just so, *right* about it. Perfect, even.

I noticed none of the Vulcans seemed particularly concerned about defending their “logic”. Maybe I’m just used to those Spock—McCoy exchanges, but that struck me as being different.

I wondered about Tucker for a while. While we expect Starfleet officers to be able to suck it up and remain professional in tragic situations, he seemed to be taking things too easily. But then came the scene where he lashed out—and he made sense from then on. He was in an angry state of denial.

This "quantum dating can tell if something's from the future"...I'm not sure about that. It wouldn't work with carbon-dating, I'm sure. It's a take-it-or-leave-it deal. I took it quite willingly, but it's so central to the plot I predict some heavy debating at the TBBS. None so far yet, though.

A problem: Admiral and Soval: “We don’t believe you.” Archer: “Wow, Mysterious Man told me that would be your reaction! I bet he was telling the truth!” :lol: Come on. There are only 2 possible reactions—either the Admiral believes him, or he doesn’t. (Soval would be easy to guess. *Everyone* knows the Vulcans don’t believe in time travel.)

Another problem: We're going to boom them in 400 years and nobody wants to know why or how? Nobody, not Archer, not the admiral, nobody? The Temporal Time Directive isn't around yet, is it? Wouldn't the Starfleeters want to know what the circumstances surrounding the destruction will be, so they can avoid it if need be?

I was amused to see the Klingon bridge lit in red. Somebody on the “Enterprise” staff hasn’t read [iost_uid0]Pawns and Symbols[/iost_uid0]…

Even though I'd read a few allusions to Earth being attacked in the season finale, the announcement still twisted my gut a little (but similar reasons turned me off of [iost_uid0]Titan A.E.[/iost_uid0]).

One more thing: Porthos has apparently gone back to chili-fodder status. :O[/colorost_uid0]

Now, was that not the weirdest thing you have ever seen in your entire life? :O :lol: [/colorost_uid0]

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