Thread: September 9
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Old 09-10-2004, 01:15 AM
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Default September 9

I have returned! (Who were you expecting, General MacArthur?) As always, a big thank you to Kira for handling things in my absence. I have a lot to say in this update, so it's time to break out the old <ul> tags.
    [*]First off, I've arrived safely in Waterloo, and it's very cool here. I have my own room, my new computer, my office (I have an office!), and more freedom than I've ever enjoyed. As a result, even with the higher demands of a graduate program, I should have plenty of fiving time this year.[*]Next, important site news. That part of the post is so long I've done it up as an article: 5MV, Year Five.[*]Today's actual update is the second This Just In Brief: Florida hurricanes not Xindi attack, by one of the two 5MV staffers who would know best, Derek Dean. Read it and be glad you live elsewhere (if you do).[*]My plan for the next few days is as follows: tomorrow, the first About update in a while, with new subsite FAQs for the three missing Trek subsites (by their section heads). Saturday, being September 11, the site is silent. Sunday, the first of the promised eTrektion candidate profiles. Monday, the Sci-Fivers event referred to in the Year Five article. Tuesday, filler while I (hopefully) finish the v4.0 work, and Wednesday, v4.0 at last. If I pull this off, folks, I'm going to spend Thursday thinking of everything else on the planet but this site.[*]A side note about Kira's very successful Two Towers fiver: Kira was gracious enough not to mention this, but her original plan was to save BR48's Fellowship of the Ring fiver until the other two movies were done, and then make a whole LotR Week of it. A year ago, in a mental lapse I still can't quite explain, I just went ahead and published FotR. My error was quickly pointed out to me. I wanted to apologize on the site, not just in private, but that would have given away that Kira was doing TTT. So, now that it's published... I'm sorry about that, Kira. It was a mistake.[*]Am I done? Whew! I'm done. Looooong update. I'll see you guys tomorrow with some About stuff.[/list]
__________________ because stuff is long and life is short

[03:17] FiveMinZeke: Galactica clearly needs the advanced technology of scissors, which get around the whole "yanking on your follicles" problem.
[03:17] IJD: cylons can hack any blades working in conjunction
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