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Old 08-19-2004, 09:17 AM
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Hotaru Hotaru is offline
Lone Ranger
Join Date: Nov 2003
Location: Where it's cold in winter and hot in summer, yet not warm in spring.
Posts: 1,041

8. The "Vucanizer" - place anything it, instantly it's vulcan in nature! See clothes go brown, words go weird, illogic become logic!

7. The "Fun-With-McCoy" communications addition - a small box placed in sickbay, it causes the comm to say "That's Illogical" evertime McCoy says anything.

6. The "Surge protector" - a small device that shuts down a console when it's about to explode. He decided he'd be out of a job with it, and threw it away.

Someone else think of things.
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