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Old 08-14-2004, 08:44 AM
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Hotaru Hotaru is offline
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Join Date: Nov 2003
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6. TNG; Devils Due. Picard and Buffy must work together to stop the Devil from taking over a planet. Guest Star: Sarah Michelle Gellar

5. VOY; The Disease. Harry chooses a women over duty and threatens to give her up. In a sub-plot cut from the episode Ensign Jones tries to fix the warp core of the aliens ship, despite the fact that he's a tacticle officer. Guest Star: Jim Carrey.

4. DS9; Second Skin. Kira is kidnapped and some Cardassians try to convince her she is a Cardassian. Troi makes a brief appearance to slap her for stealing the base idea of Face of the Enemy. Guest Star: Mirina Sirtis

3. TNG; Tapestry. Picard goes back in time and changes his past, and tries to rekindle his romance with Lwaxana Troi. Guest star: Majel Barret.

2. ENT; Stormfront. Enterprise people do stuff in the past. Guest Star: The plot from every other Go-back-in-time episode.

1. ENT; Season 3. Enterprise must stop the Xindi from destroying the world. Archer goes crazy, T'pol goes crazy, Trip get's depressed. Other's are there. Guest Star: Anthony Montgomery

Next List: Top Ten dark secrets of 5MV forumgoers.
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