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Old 05-05-2003, 07:58 PM
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Sa'ar Chasm Sa'ar Chasm is offline
Our last, best hope for peace
Join Date: Mar 2003
Location: Sitting (in Ottawa)
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[color=#000000ost_uid0][quoteost_uid0]Has anyone mentioned Tom Holt yet? He's quite good too; his writing style is somewhat similar to Adams' non-Hitch-hiker books.

I've met him over Fidonet. He thought I was from Florida 'cause I was telnetting into a BBS there and "Florida" appeared at the bottom of all my messages. I even had the honour of writing a filk with him (OK, it was a line each, but it's still a brush with fame. Someone else's fame, yes, but fame nonetheless). I think I even know his email address (assuming it hasn't changed in 5-odd years).

Modern Alien Entity

In case I've neglected to put my real name in the profile, my line starts off the second verse, and Tom's finishes the third.

[quoteost_uid0]I've now just started on Red Mars [/quoteost_uid0]

Gah...don't read that. Kim Stanley Robinson can't write. All the little futuristic scientific gizmos and gadgets appealed to me in a Clarkian sort of way, but the horrible prose and stiff dialogue make it almost unbearable to read. It makes even less sense if you read the second book first. I've got to stop doing that.[/colorost_uid0]
The first run through of any experimental procedure is to identify any potential errors by making them.
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