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Old 05-05-2003, 02:07 AM
taya17 taya17 is offline
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[color=#000000ost_uid0][quoteost_uid0="PointyHairedJedi"]I wonder how many jealous stares I'd get if I were to mention that the book I'm reading at the moment is the Hitch-hikers 'Trilogy in five parts'?[/quoteost_uid0]
I read through the whole post and squealed every time Douglas Adams' name turned up! He is fantastic, the absolute best!

Okay okay, so you guys are talking about SERIOUS scifi

William Gibson probably tops my list, followed by Connie Willis (The Doomsday Book kick major ass!) and Alfred Bester. Bester is gooooood. And Orson Scott Card! The Ender's Game series is absolutely FANTASTIC!! Who else? Asimov and Clarke are the masters, I actually don't mind the Mars Trilogy, Dune ROCKS, and there are more than three "Wrinkle In Time" books. There were four or five, last I counted.

Peter David is my favorite Trek author, hands down. He is dead funny, and he also writes B5![/colorost_uid0]

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