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Old 04-17-2004, 07:36 PM
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Michiel Michiel is offline
Last of the ko fighters
Join Date: Mar 2003
Location: Netherlands
Posts: 523

[color=#000000ost_uid0]Alright, I like this combination. I added a joke of my own.

[quoteost_uid0]Cypher: Great job pulling me back, Tank. Allow me to say "thank you."
Tank: Can you say it without the gun? !GAK

Cypher: (over the phone) Trin, -- YANK! (kills Apoc) -- how can you prefer that airhead -- YANK! (kills Switch) -- over a hot backstabbing serial killer like me?
Neo: (sigh) I get that one a lot, too.
Cypher: (over the phone) Y'see, Neo obviously isn't the One, unless I'm about to be killed by a convenient plot contri-
Tank: (over the gun) See, you were looking at my hands, when you should have been looking at my eyes.
Cypher: GAK!
Tank: Fake GAK. Gets 'em every time.
Neo: Maybe I should try that sometime.[/quoteost_uid0]

Hm... Now that I think about it. Perhaps the 'looking at my hands' joke would be better for a fight-scene. The above combination also works without it.[/colorost_uid0]

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