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Old 03-19-2004, 11:30 PM
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[quoteost_uid0="Derek"][color=#000000ost_uid0](And what do you mean you need one with DNS service? Don't they all provide that? Am I missing something?)[/colorost_uid0][/quoteost_uid0]
[color=#000000ost_uid0]Allow me to clarify with a flashback.

[iost_uid0][20:40] Zeke: I think is taken, so I'd probably want
[20:40] OJ: Just a registrar, or also a domain host (someone to provide DNS service as well as register the name)?
[20:41] Zeke: What's DNS service exactly?
[20:42] OJ: Somewhere there has to be a server that answers " is at". Some DNS registrars provide that as well as registering the domain itself (a prerequisite process that is somewhat independent of actual DNS serving).
[20:42] Zeke: Hmm. What do you recommend?
[20:44] OJ: It ties into where you're getting hosted. If they're willing to set up an actual virtualhost in the web server for you, get a real domain with someone who also provides DNS service (godaddy? I dunno. I use but they're spendy for no good reason.) and get your host to set up the web server to do the right thing (that's the easy part).

If it's /some/dir then you'd be better off finding someone who can do redirection, and I don't know where to start on that one because, frankly, redirection SUCKS. [/iost_uid0]

Actually, allow me to clarify further with another flashback.

[iost_uid0][12:01] Christian: It's the first thing. You would indeed need to go to a registrar that provides a DNS service, where you would then enter our server's IP address.
[12:02] Zeke: Okay. I'll look into getting one of those. Where did you get your domains, btw?
[12:02] Christian: Network Solutions, but they're the most expensive in the business.
[12:02] Zeke: How expensive?
[12:03] Christian: Starting at $35 for one year, going down to $15 for ten years. And that's without a DNS service.
[12:04] Zeke: That *is* pretty hefty.
[12:07] Christian: What you'd want is something like this:
[12:08] Christian: (But then, preferably, for a lower price)
[12:09] Zeke: Ahh.
[12:22] Christian: What I think might be the most affordable option for you would be the following:
1) You would register a domain name at a place like This would cost you $7.95 for a dot-com-address.
2) You would get a Basic DNS package at This would cost you $10 per year for one domain name.

The total for that would then be $17.95 per year.[/iost_uid0][/colorost_uid0]
__________________ because stuff is long and life is short

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